Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Let's Talk About Phones and Gadgetry

Me: OK, so I've decided to have another chance to talk about some things that matter to us both.

Pikachu: Pika! ["And me!"]

Me: Yes, you too, Pikachu. It may matter to you as well.

Ash: Well, I'm always up for it, so that's great.

Me: So today, I want to talk about gadgets, the little devices that we use to get through our lives. The Poké Ball can be considered one of them, but that's not part of this discussion.

Ash: Oh, I get it - so it's things like phones that we can we use to talk to people, keep track of things, and stuff like that.

Me: Yes, they're exactly that. Even for Pokémon, I'm sure you've dealt with a few.

Ash: I guess the Pokédex would count?

Me: In some ways, but then there's also the PokéGear that you used during the Entei happening.

Ash: Oh yeah! Things like that. So I guess I do use a lot of gadgets.

Me: You'll no doubt remember the Rotom Dex; even though it's got Rotom in it, it's still a gadget in some ways, at least I would think based on my usage of it.

Ash: It's a fun gadget, but it can be annoying sometimes.

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["Really!"]

Me: Right? You've had your moments, and I'm sure any Trainer who got one while in Alola will know when it's fun and when it's not.

Ash: I think I've got you.

Me: And now we have the Rotom Phone, so now it looks more familiar - to me at least - so you get to have a ball with that. 

Ash: Well, I've seen the phones in your world, and they look like it without the Rotom bits.

Me: Absolutely. And my phone is my gateway to catch Pokémon when you're not being tasked to do it.

Pikachu: Pika chu! [imitates an "Excellent" throw]

Ash: I know it's your gateway to your friends, people you know, and other things you like. I commiserate for your loss that one time.

Me: I know. Don't think about it. What's gone is done, yet even now, my position hasn't improved. So I've got a little something for you to do.

Ash: Yes?

Me: I want you to check out a few phones while helping a few friends out. Maybe you could find something I could be interested in. Did you get to do that?

Ash: I did, and I found something you might be interested in when you can spend for it. And I got a nice little gift for that.

Me: Neat. And I've got your recommendation. I may just consider it when I really need it.

Ash: I saw a few of your friends and my friends. It was great, but as you told me, I had to stay safe while doing it. I tried as hard as I could.

Me: With stuff going around, you absolutely need to do so.

Ash: You're not kidding.

Me: So for us both, gadgets are important in a number of ways. It lets us connect, be informed, and even do stuff, that perhaps we would have a hard time doing without.

Ash: And we have to be able to be smart with them and not let them annoy us, like Rotom Dex did every once in a while.

Pikachu: Pika pika! ["That's a must!"]

Me: For as long as we'll need to have them and use them, which will be for a long time, that should remain true.

Three years ago: Iron Trainers?

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