Sunday, October 11, 2020

Making (Personal) Breakthroughs in the Go Battle League

I've been on a Go Battle League (GBL) kick in Pokémon Go most recently. For most times I've dealt with the GBL previously, I hadn't dealt with it seriously, but this time, I am dealing with it somewhat seriously. One evidence for that is that I've managed to battle as many times as I'm allowed to battle on a couple of occasions, and overall I've battled more in this season than in the last season or even in previous seasons. It may be described as a total breakthrough in the making.

Currently, I'm at Rank 8, which is also something that I've never bothered to achieve in previous seasons. After being used to battle only those of the same rank, now I'm being faced with even Trainers of Rank 9. In some cases, I still lose out, but in others, I can actually win, and this is as surprising as it is significant. I do have to admit, however, that quite a few of my wins have resulted from my opponent forfeiting, but nevertheless, a win is a win by the system, and I go along with it.

There may be one particular reason that I'm driven to put in lots of effort this time around. A change was implemented for this season of the GBL, in that only wins are required to advance to Rank 8 and Rank 9, which were previously exclusive to those with high ratings. Now there is no worry about finicky ratings for these cases, but the worry is on the effort to advance to those ranks, which may be equal to or greater than what it took previously. For me personally, this change can be considered a defining reason and its own breakthrough.

Perhaps an unspecific reason for the great desire to advance is to obtain the rewards. One reward that has been offered for a time now is Rufflet, a Pokémon that at present is only given out for Rank 8 and above; I've obtained this because of exactly that. A general reward of interest is Stardust for each completed set of battles and certain wins, and I (plus some of my fellows) would consider this important to be gained as well. Other than these, the other rewards seem pretty much take-them-or-leave-them.

My breakthrough in GBL this time is likely to continue, since the season is only about half over, and that means many, many more opportunities to battle in the weeks to come, including in a special surprise for the end of the month. Along with my breakthrough, the GBL itself is demanded to make breakthroughs of its own, and if they're like the above, that would serve well to keep me and others interested. I and my fellows will have to maintain the interest until the end to see how far we can actually get.

One year ago: Shuffle Secrets
Two years ago: Pokémon Game Journals

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