Thursday, October 29, 2020

Road to 25th Anniversary: Getting Warmer

So, yes. I did have an inkling of a plan to have this post made once a month ever since I started bringing it up in August and then again in September. It is a very significant anniversary that I and likely others are patiently waiting for. And if there are any indications toward that anniversary this month, it is that things are getting warmer for that, thanks to the happenings just within this month. As such, the way to remind about that upcoming anniversary would be to review those happenings this month, which fits in with my plan.

The most poignant and sentimental happening that should signal that impending anniversary would of course have to be the "GOTCHA!" music video that was just released before things turned over into this month. Beyond the happenings in the games that would then occur, this one really set the tone (ahem) for the month even before the month began. And it really unfolded within the month, based on the micro happenings related to solely that. It is best to cover those in a different post, of course, but it's safe and sufficient to say that this happening pretty much is something of its own.

The two most popular Pokémon games, the main series games and Pokémon Go, had their own significant happenings. As noted earlier, the Crown Tundra as the second part of the Expansion Pass for the Sword and Shield games had been set for release a week ago, and it was, with at least some good reception. The Pokémon Go and Pokémon Home linkage is to be established soon, though as of today, it has yet to happen; this month, though, was busy in other ways and through other events for as much as the former is concerned... but certainly that needs yet another different post. Even so, the significances are quite apparent.

All these happenings are a fair indication that the situation for the anniversary is indeed warming up. It has to, since by now the stated anniversary is only a few more months in the making, and for a special one as this one is, special things have to be begotten. The music video alone is special enough and already makes things very warm for all fans, particularly those from the very beginning. At present, the challenge becomes translating the happenings into a warmth that absolutely any fan of Pokémon from however long will enjoy. More of that has to come in the lead-up to the anniversary.

Four months away for that anniversary is still a long way off, but as many people can attest, long will eventually become short, and in this case fans of Pokémon will have a gleaming anniversary on their hands. And at the moment, it may suffice to say that things have warmed up. The real fever pitch will be during the time of the actual anniversary, but it also can't hurt to have just a little taste of that even today, early on before it. With that, I'm certain that keeping tabs on things as they unfold is a good idea, and that will be the way things go.

One year ago: Psyduck Is Missing
Two years ago: Expression of Care

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