Saturday, October 10, 2020

How Simple Is Pokémon Really?

Pokémon, in reference to the creatures that bear the name, is simple. As I've explained many times, they're creatures that can fit in a pocket (thus, pocket monsters). What may not be so simple is the rest of the world that they're in, including the games and beyond. Given the state of everything related to Pokémon today, the question presented in the title of this post came up. I thought it would make a perfect discussion topic for a post, and so here's my attempt to see and perceive the simplicity of Pokémon as it is apparent today in its various forms.

For the games, the main series games are certainly not very simple, at least compared to how they were in the past. However, it may also be considered that the games are actually simple if a person can get to know the mechanics well, especially given that much has become standard. Modern refinements may in fact actually reduce the apparent complexity. Something more simple than the main series games is Pokémon Go, and it has been since the start; with a grasp on the mechanics, then the perception may be similar still to the main series games, being even simpler. In either case, the simplicity may be lurking down below after getting to know things.

For other things beyond the games, like the anime, manga, and other derivative imagery such as figures, there are just the creatures and what they can do, and that's simple enough. What then may get complicated is taking them in the different directions that they may possibly go. The same species could be made to appear differently according to position, attack, and/or even its status of ownership. And then there also their different stories depending on which ways they go. Despite these being rather complicated, the progression itself may not be as such, and just following the forward progression may be considered the simple thing, rather than tracing all connections.

So, regardless of whether it's the games or other things related to Pokémon, there are lots of things going on, and that may not represent anything simple. Yet it may be simple enough to get a grip on things for the games and move forward for other things. At that point, what may have been initially regarded as complicated will then likely present its simplicity, which can then be appreciated. Today's Pokémon may be considered to be a far cry from its supposed pocket representation scheme, but at least some simplicity may still be gained.

One year ago: Illusions of Success?
Three years ago: Kanto Starter Keychains

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