Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Being a Scanner or Diver with Pokémon

In the realm of self-help for life, there is a particularly famous dichotomy. Barbara Sher, a "life coach", posited the idea that people can have one of two habits in life: being a "scanner" or "diver". Those of the latter camp do or delve into one thing to the fullest, while those of the former camp pursue or try out a myriad of things to different extents. Being that I'm a Pokémon fan, I become inclined to think of these habits as they relate to me, other fans, and Pokémon in general. It becomes something to really consider.

When gamer life in general is involved, Pokémon becomes one of the things that people do, if not the thing that they do. Some of my friends, from what I see, are "scanners" in terms of games, so much so that they can be described by another term: "seasonal gamers", and it becomes clear that for them, Pokémon is just a "stop" in the big world of games. In contrast, I'm also in connection with other people who are fully immersed in Pokémon matters, and - at least from what I see - they never fully leave Pokémon. These people can then be rightfully called "divers" with Pokémon (and its games) being a concern.

Even in Pokémon life, it may be considered that there are "scanners" and "divers". Of many of those whom I know, I know that they are likely to not venture far from where they are raised, whether by the main series games or by Pokémon Go. They are or can be said to be dedicated to where they hail from and are effectively "divers" in this regard. Meanwhile, quite a few others may venture to different parts of the world of Pokémon games, with or without being proficient in one or many of them, and because of this, they are effectively "scanners". The same may also be true of other things that involve Pokémon.

So where do I stand? In general, I've become a "diver" when it comes to Pokémon matters; I often say that if it involves Pokémon, then I want in, and it's true. Of course, as can be discerned, I don't specify which matters of Pokémon that I want in (despite the current heavy attraction to Pokémon Go and a few other things), and this is also very much true: I want in on them all. Therefore, based on this regard, I'm really a "scanner" when it comes to Pokémon things or matters. I'm also like some "scanners" with the varying levels of proficiency and linkage for all the individual matters.

Sher has stated that the dichotomy of "diver" or "scanner" is meant to really only apply to life at the most general level - that is, as far as everything is concerned. By the same token, I and maybe a number of other Pokémon fans can say that Pokémon is everything, and with that, we can apply the dichotomy for the purpose of determining how Pokémon fits into our various lives, because Pokémon is our lives. Sher may or may not approve of this, but as far as I'm concerned, I approve of it all, whether on one side or the other of the dichotomy.

One year ago: On Tap for Go

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