Monday, October 28, 2019

On Tap for Go

Since the past year, I've been making event rollups for Pokémon Go in order to summarize the events that have occurred earlier in the month (which I haven't made for this month and will have to make very soon). But what I rarely do is cover something upcoming in the future for the game, one reason being that I like letting things unfold before I cover them. However, currently for the game, there are a few things that are being planned for the game that are worth it to be covered a little early before they come. That becomes the impetus for the creation of this post, in order to explore them a bit before their onset.

One of them is something I've discussed before, regarding the (un)apparent mobile success of Pokémon games. It does, of course, concern the event called "A Colossal Discovery", which will take place this Saturday. The ticket for it has become available for purchase for a few days at this point, so the time to purchase it is now, preferably before the event starts. Polls have been mixed for this, with some saying they will not buy and others saying they will, so the final say may be up to the individual player. For me, after some considerations, I decided that it would be worth it to purchase the ticket, and so I did. The bonuses seem nifty enough and it would be an experience that is rarely gotten. Much about the event still remains to be seen, but it may still be a neat thing in itself.

Next on the list is something related to PvP battles in the game. I've discussed quite a bit about the Silph League Arena as a community-run battle system, but that is still not part of the game proper. Early next year, an in-game system will be added, which is called GO Battle League. The prospects of this system are attractive to say the least, as its nature of global competition means that it will be accessible to a whole lot of players. Moreover, it may be the gateway to a formalized system, which may lead to something more than the invitational tournament as in this year's Pokémon World Championships. It could perhaps be considered the "missing piece" for the PvP system, one that sets things up for truly great recognition around the world.

Then there's something that concerns the world of in-game locations and the nominating of them to become one. Soon to be available for Pokémon Go is Niantic Wayfarer, the new formal system for reviewing them. It succeeds the OPR system for Ingress, becoming an integrated system for not just both of these games, but any game developed by Niantic and involves the location database. The new system seems to work much the same way as the OPR and will involve training, in order to serve pretty much the same purpose but to a generalized and expanded player base. This may be something that some players have looked forward to, and once it becomes available, expect the continuous expansion of this in-game world.

There are even other things that are on tap based on what has been divulged. The game will have dynamic adjustment for some locations, for example more items in areas with fewer PokéStops and less difficult raids for fewer Gyms, something that should help players in those locations. As well, Team GO Rocket seems to be up to further no good tricks, as their troop - led by what seems to be "anti" versions of the three team leaders - has been divulged, along with the presence of Giovanni and a few odd things related to them. More on these will have to be detailed at a later time, certainly.

The takeaway from all of these is that major expansions are imminent for the game, whether they're to facilitate those in the game or to allow for new experiences involving them. But as they are for now visions into the future, what's important is waiting for them to be realized. It's still good to take away a few insights right now so that when things actually unfold, this will lead to more insights, not to mention a wealth of things to be enjoyed further.

One year ago: Pokémon Go Community Day Repeat, 10/28/2018
Two years ago: At the Movies: Episode 698 - "Movie Time! Zorua in 'The Legend of the Pokémon Knight!'"

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