Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Where I Want to Go

An old slogan of a really big company that's still really big and really important today asks its users, whether first-time or long-time, to think about where they might go. It's really an open question with many answers, so the answers would surely be different for different people. Even more than that, the question prompts those who wish to answer it to consider how things might work out in attempting to answer the question. For me personally, I like to think that the answer can and does somehow involve Pokémon. It's a bit of a stretch, but it works somehow.

Pokémon, in its original form that is still well-known today, is an adventure RPG. Thus, the concept of going places is important. One cannot advance the story or even develop oneself if one does not go places. Thus, it naturally fits with that slogan that I just mentioned. It's not hard to imagine that there are many places to go to in the world of Pokémon; Kanto as one of its regions is an illustrative example. One could go to its landmark places by land, whether on foot or by bicycle; by sea, perhaps with the aid of a Pokémon; or by sky, most likely on the wings of one of these creatures. Those are many ways to go, as many as there might be places in just the region alone. One must consider not only where, but also with what and for what. It's a deep answer for such a shallow question.

Today, I personally answered that open question. As it is a Wednesday, there was a Legendary Raid Hour, so I went to take part in it. But to elaborate the answer, I went not only to fulfill the participation of my own, but also the participation of others. The place that I wanted to go to was where success would surely be delivered for me and at least a few of my other raid fellows. That was certainly the case for a few of us to varying degrees, but on the whole, success - or at least some of it - presented itself. Actually, I had a choice of two places for success to present itself, but I chose the most practical one, and it turns out a wave of successes followed for me and others, which meant I answered the question most definitively.

Also today, there was a small taste of what's about to come in a month or so. Though the definitive answer to the slogan question could only be answered at that point in time, at least the glimmer of that answer could be seen today. A possible answer to that question would be that one wishes to go where one can experiment with the new things revealed today; another would be that one wishes to be taking on their challenges. The "where-to-next" objective may be hard to define now, but it should become clearer as things culminate to the aforementioned time.

It should be noted that as of today, that slogan of the really big company has since been non-existent. However, the slogan remains in the memory of those of who have witnessed it in context at least once, as well as part of the company's history. I'm one of those, and I'd like to say as my appreciation develops in the direction of Pokémon, I can still find a place of relevance for it. I'm inspired to take it and come up with the answers as to where I want to go in the current time.

One year ago: (Improving the) Local EX Raid, 10/16/2018
Two years ago: Trainer Fashion

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