Tuesday, October 16, 2018

(Improving the) Local EX Raid, 10/16/2018

Hmm, yes. Today is another EX Raid day in my local area, exactly two weeks after the last one. I hadn't been planning to earn my pass for this one and was hoping for an invitation by one of my Ultra Friends, but in the end I ended up raiding anyway in part to ascertain which EX Raid Gym I wanted to participate in, and as a fallback measure. I chose to raid the same Gym as the last time, and everything worked out as expected.

The tag for this one is "improving", because the objective was to step up my experience of the current EX Raids and see if the current experience has been stepped up as well. It seems the later has happened, since the EX Raids happened with no danger of cancellation - by voiding the Gyms of any raids before the EX Raid happens - unlike before when it was reported that some EX Raids (not in my local area) had been cancelled due to conflicts with other raids. It was a stroke of luck that the previous ones had not been canceled, and now it seems that future ones will be fortunate ones as long as this keeps up.

As part of the expectation, I was hoping to capture a Deoxys with a higher CP than what I had previously, but that didn't work out. The Deoxys I captured last time had a CP of 1511, and the one I caught today had a CP of 1512 - a measly improvement of only 1 CP. It's still a far cry from the maximum possible raw CP, which I may or may not be able to get, but anything may happen. After one of my friends completed the EX Raid, that friend went on to capture Suicune by way of Field Research, which did have the maximum raw CP. Perhaps if something like that happened with the EX Raid, then there would be some rejoicing.

As well, I wanted to take pictures of Deoxys with the AR function, which was something I didn't do last time for practicality. I had planned on doing this regardless of the CP that I was given for Deoxys, which then turned out as above. The pictures looked great, though.

Deoxys @ Fountain. The fountain is the actual site of this EX Raid Gym.
The water only sprays during certain hours.

Group photo with Deoxys.
This one is indeed a massive improvement from last time. Of course, it won't be the last time I take pictures with Deoxys, especially since I haven't been to the other EX Raid Gym. I expect that to happen rather soon.

I'd say much improvement happened today in the way of the Deoxys EX Raid. Some were better than others, but everything can't exactly be hoped for to happen at one time. That said, it'll still be some time for Deoxys to appear in EX Raids, especially with all its forms, so some improvements are bound to happen next time as well. I'm already looking forward to them.

One year ago: Trainer Fashion

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