Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Items of Shuffle's Special Shop

In an earlier post, I have explained a general overview of the Shops in Pokémon Shuffle, at least for the 3DS version. I've also previously mentioned one of its items when a certain incident happened. I thought that it might be helpful to explain the items found in it and outline some usage scenarios.

It should be noted that in purchasing any of the items from this shop, the item is immediately activated and no other item may be purchased and activated until the current item expires. Further, each item is also quantity-limited, and once they're gone, they're gone - at least until the limits are reset each week, at which point the items may be purchased again.

Here then, are the four items of this shop:

No Hearts Needed (Trial). As the wording indicates, the "No Hearts Needed" items allow stages that usually require Hearts to be played without expending them; the Heart counter shows ∞ (infinity) while these items are in effect. In the case of this one, the item is actually free, but the player still needs to go to the shop in order to activate it. The effect lasts for 15 minutes, but the player gets only one per week. I find this helpful in the initial part of Escalation Stages or whenever there is a long stretch of easily achievable stage levels, as well as for Pokémon Safari stages as a temporary aid. Regardless, the player needs to do everything quickly with this in effect.

No Hearts Needed (30 min.). Those who aren't satisfied after using the trial item may opt for the basic paid item, which lasts twice as long. It costs only 1 Jewel, but the player can get up to 3, which means a total of 90 minutes in three chunks of 30 minutes, plus 15 more minutes from the trial item. This item has less time pressure due to the extended length, but it is still desirable to attempt stages as quickly as possible, which shouldn't be too hard for the same usage scenarios as above.

No Hearts Needed (24 hours). If 30 minutes is still too short, a player can opt to get this one. It lasts the entire full 24 hours, but only one is obtainable per week, and it costs a whopping 10 Jewels. Hence, any player that spends for this one ought to have some serious play time and a good amount of Jewels (money) to spend. I prefer to use the other items instead as I wouldn't really have any plan on how to use this item while active; conceivably, those who spend on this one must have a really definite plan, considering the breadth of Shuffle's stages.

Hearts per 15 min. + 6 Hearts. For those who would like a little more planning time between each play, this item may be better suited. Normal Heart recovery is cut in half for 8 hours, the maximum of time-recovered Hearts is doubled, and a 6-Heart bonus is awarded, which means a theoretical total of 38 Hearts over the course of this item. Like the 30-minute No Hearts Needed, there are 3 of these each week and each costs 1 Jewel. The only problem with this item is that it is a little less flexible because physical Hearts are used, though in some cases this may be worth more than even the No Hearts Needed of the same cost.

These items should all be helpful for players in a pinch that need to make great advancements in the game, as well as those just starting out and wishing to do the same. Each player has their choice of items that they can use however they wish. Beyond all the restrictions of each item, progression in Shuffle should be aided greatly with them, and that's the point and ultimate goal of these.

One year ago: When an Iris Blooms: Episode 669 - "The Bloom Is on Axew!"

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