Thursday, October 4, 2018

A Strongly Brilliant Thing

It's a little over a month before the release of the Let's Go games on the Switch, so I thought I'd discuss some of my impressions so far. One of those impressions is that the game may just be an excellent thing - in fact, "a strongly brilliant thing", as per the title of this post. The reason why is a little complex and outward-reaching, but somewhat makes sense.

When I saw the first trailer for the Let's Go games, I thought that the games were rather unique, nostalgic, and impressive. This led me to think of another unique and impressive thing: "Electric Dance System Music", one of the pieces of music in the latest version of DanceDanceRevolution, which happens to be an amalgam of that game's reveal trailer and system music. In fact, the music comments contain the exact phrase which becomes the title of this post, along with indications of "glory" for that game. This then goes back to my impressions of the Let's Go games through the trailer.

Based on what has been disclosed about the game, I say that I might not be too far off. The things in the trailer seem to be quite fantastic and well-conceived, especially if they can be executed as the games come out. The game's marriage of the old and new, for example the Kanto setting and Mega Evolutions, also appears really great. The surprise reveal of Meltan through Go and external channels just adds to the intrigue of the game. These are all what makes the "strongly brilliant" quality apparent, and since they were brought up to be revealed, they're also further in line with the music comments, which also suggest "revelations" (as in "to declare... the new daybreak").

I'd venture to say that the initial trailer could be rearranged to have it fit the sound of "Electric Dance System Music". It would be a neat project to undertake, but alas, time is short and I'm rather ill-equipped for it. But if they weren't, then I'd happily work on this in a heartbeat and present something along with this post. For now my words suffice.

It does seem a little early to say this, and odd too to pair it with something remotely distanced from Pokémon, but it's the conception I ended up with. Yet as a fervent Pokémon fan, I'm sure that I won't be disappointed. In any case, the Let's Go games are due out soon, and by then, I may just be able to immerse myself in the brilliant concept of these games.

One year ago: Feelings for Female Trainers

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