Monday, October 22, 2018


While a certain issue is still relevant, I want to discuss about it, and its (and my) relation to Pokémon as well. Something that Yanni - yes, it's somewhat related to him again - always seems to discuss is the resilience of the human spirit, how people are able to bounce back after certain disasters that befall them. I find this to be rather true as well, and since people (humans) are involved in the world of Pokémon as well, I find it perfectly applicable in that regard.

The Community Days of Pokémon Go sometimes don't go too well, if yesterday and my general experience is of any indication. Though I've been out of it for a bit now, VGC ultimately involves a lot of bouncing back, inside and outside the battle. Even the anime series has a lot of of ups and downs for the characters involved. All of these understandably take some resilience to go through and then continuing as if it never happened. This is surely what Yanni tries to capture, and I can hear that in his music.

A different kind of bouncing back would have to involve players who couldn't play for some reason, and then be able to come back and play the games. That's what happened to me when I became able to play Pokémon Go again last year. To some extent, buying the New 3DS and avoiding disasters on my old 3DS could be considered "bouncing back" as well. But then there are players that haven't been so lucky or have encountered situations that prevented them from playing the games normally. The fortunate situations have to be appreciated, while the unfortunate situations have to be hoped to get better.

Yanni says that this resilience is an amazing thing; our will to progress is something great, especially when combined with some faith. I do have to say that I agree, and it's something of a universality, even given something fictional as Pokémon, which does feature human characters. Of course, the ones enjoying Pokémon are humans too, and they have to go through their own tribulations. With faith, everyone can enjoy Pokémon as well as everything in life, moving past whatever challenge comes about.

And the current challenge, of course, is for the man himself to heal after the foot injury, while I continue to do what I do with Pokémon, in addition to everything else in life. Get well soon, and I hope to be able to see you live someday... with some Pokémon spirit in tow.

One year ago: Cosplay: Arigatoo...!!!

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