Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Rekindling Old Games

Recently, I've been going back over some of the older games I have played or used to play quite a lot. They're not Pokémon games, but I have played a few of them alongside playing Pokémon games. With this comes the realization that I enjoy them to different extents, particularly in comparison to Pokémon games. Even so, they do appear to shed light on how my attraction to Pokémon games have developed, which is still fascinating to consider.

Some of the games I played are ones that require a fine sense of dexterity, which I didn't have back then... and still don't have now, or at least in limited amounts. Accordingly, I have never played them to completion. The irony is that those same games constitute a franchise that could be considered the "neighbor" to Pokémon. What this tells me is that I do appreciate them even though my skills don't favor me playing them. The fact that I leaped into Pokémon and subsequently completed the games means that those games favor the way I like to do things, more so than for those other games. All the same, it also means I know a good thing when I see one, so those games are good - and for others, as good as Pokémon - even if I can't play them thoroughly. I'm likely to remain attracted to those other games, returning every so often to try new things while I rethink my Pokémon efforts.

Some of the other games are mental challenges that I'm fond of, and as it turns out, some of my other friends are also fond of; further, they are games that I've completed in at least one way. Those completions also occurred while I was also completing other efforts, including Pokémon ones. It's amazing that I did so, given what were involved. It means that the games did what they were supposed to do; they stimulated my mind enough to get lots of things going and done. Their relation to Pokémon may be distant and their effects are rather indirect, but they regardless have become relevant for the way I do things. They too are things that I perceive as good and that I appreciate, and moreover, they are supportive and favorable to my efforts. Likewise, returns to them are possible and more highly probable, even in the midst of Pokémon efforts.

In all my life, I've encountered many games. Some of them I like, but I'm challenged to make progress in them; others I'm quite attached to and have progressed to some sort of completion. With all that I've done with Pokémon games, those other games seem to have guided me into the games of the franchise and driven their completion. My return to those old games seems to indicate that this is so. And now, it may be time to do the same for old Pokémon games to see how things have actually progressed for this case.

One year ago: Ultra Ball Hanging Ornament
Two years ago: Cosplay: MAXcited

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