Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Someone Else's Points

In my discussion about Gym Badge progression in Pokémon Go, I had mentioned that there is really another progression for which the gold status of Gym Badges are important. That progression is something called "Kieng Points", which are a different way to measure the achievements and accomplishments of a Trainer in the game. The metrics for such a measurement still relates to in-game statistics, but the way that it is performed makes the metrics all the more important, for the Trainer and a select group of others.

These "Kieng Points" belong to a group on Facebook called TL40, which are a group of Trainers who have reached Level 40 and have accomplished major things. The points themselves are used as verification and entry criteria; if the resulting points are high enough, then a Trainer can be deemed to have made major accomplishments and therefore can apply to enter the group. As to why they are called "Kieng", they are so called as such because "Kieng" refers to a Pokémon Go Trainer of outstanding fame (Twitter: @PoGoKieng). In fact, so famous is he that he became one of the competitors in the inaugural, invitational Pokémon Go PvP tournament at the Pokémon World Championships this year. With that stature, he is obviously an important person - and so are these points.

The points themselves are a bit complicated to explain. These points are calculated using a spreadsheet, which can be gotten from the group or someone with connections to the group. To calculate the points, one inputs into the spreadsheet the values that are indicated; most values originate from Trainer Medals, but a few are sought in other places, like the number of gold Gym Badges, which is indeed one of the metrics. The values are compared with other Trainers' statistics by way of hidden data in the spreadsheet, and the percentiles are taken. The highest-valued percentiles are averaged, and the Kieng Points are obtained; if they're high enough, the spreadsheet will inform that they are so, for the eligibility to join the group. It should be noted that the spreadsheet changes from month to month, because Trainers also vary playing from month to month; spreadsheets from earlier months can still be used, but they amount to no more than a possible reference, and the current spreadsheet has to be used for eligibility.

As for myself, although I have reached the hallowed Level 40, my Kieng Points are far too few for eligibility of entry into the group. The last time I entered my values in the spreadsheet, my best-performing medal values are nowhere close to the percentiles needed to contribute a sufficiently high number of points for entry. To elevate those to a level that would achieve this situation would require near-herculean efforts, which could affirm one thing: these points are for very, very hardcore and dedicated players. With the way I play, it would take me a very long time to get to a state of eligibility. In any case, I'm not too concerned about eligibility, even if it should happen later on in the future.

These points are definitely not mine; they belong to the group and the namesake of the points. With that in mind, and where I stand regarding the points, I don't feel as if I'm involved with the points or the points would involve me at all. All the same, with my accomplishments, I do have my share of the points, though not a great deal. It is only with greater accomplishments and greater amounts of points that I can then say that the points would be then mine, in a manner of speaking.

One year ago: A Poké Ball Keychain
Two years ago: Cosplay: Kisetsu no Matsuri

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