Friday, October 18, 2019

October (on the) Road

Let the sun run down
Right behind the hill,
I know how to stand there
Still till the moon rise up
Right behind the pine,
Oh, Lord,
October road.
-- "October Road", James Taylor

Last month, I discussed a certain song that was not only thematically important, but also appropriately timed, for Pokémon or otherwise. That song, as well as a few others, actually comprise a set of timely-appropriate songs I have for the last four months of the year. And this time, I'd like to discuss another one, certainly with its own Pokémon interpretation. Actually, I was considering whether or not to discuss this as such, but then I became inspired to do so.

The reason is because I reread the lyrics for the song. The way I read it, it seems to describe a man who wishes to stroll down a path of the countryside in order to soothe his torn urban soul, and perhaps to revisit "a little friend" of his, who has remained on that path. It sounds like quite a nostalgic story for someone who feels that life has got to him, and needs someone or something to recover. And it's this storyline - only with a little less "conflict" and a lot more nostalgia - that makes me think of its Pokémon interpretation.

As announced late last month and covered personally at the beginning of this month, the Pokémon anime will be about to undergo a renewal that should make it possible for Ash to revisit past regions in addition to Galar. Obviously, this revisit may be a big thing that allows him to re-encounter the different Pokémon (and possibly other human characters) he has met before, and this practically smacks of nostalgia, at least in my view. The chance of that happening seems to be as big as the chance for totally new adventures.

I should note that this song may be a bit "gospelic" in nature, but that doesn't really matter for me. The gospel of my life unfolds in much the same way as the narration in this song's lyrics unfold. For that matter, it seems to be the same for the Pokémon anime. The path seems to be evident more than ever, and I'm sure I and Ash could benefit from nostalgia down that path, whether on this day in October or on the days ahead.

One year ago: The Moves Pokémon Know and Use
Two years ago: Second Remakes?

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