Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A (Not So) Little Anniversary

While I wrote up yesterday's post, a notable Pokémon-related milestone, or which is much better described as an anniversary, actually occurred on the same day. It was the day that one of the biggest Pokémon fan sites on the Internet, Serebii.net (named of course for Celebi, as written in Japanese), started operations 20 years ago. That's an impressively long time, almost as impressively long as Pokémon itself. Because it's significant, it warrants a bit of discussion on this blog.

In the years that it has existed, it's easy to see why the site has become immensely popular. I've visited the site many times in the past, and it has provided in-depth information about most anything Pokémon, which should be a good thing for many fans. For me personally, however, it seems a bit too in-depth at times, which is why I've often opted to avoid it if I don't actually need information from it. Still, for the times I do need it, the information that I get is great. The fact that many turn to the site for their Pokémon information needs only affirms this situation.

In this day and age of social media, the site itself has to have some social media presence, and it does. The Twitter account is often updated with juicy details, and my friends often cite it, whether textually or graphically. As for its and the site's own update pace, that is not to be questioned; it updates whenever new information is available. Recall some time ago that there was that one-of-a-kind livestream; in the case of that, the updates were performed to the minute; afterwards, there were a few tweets on how the updater needs to get some sleep - the updater in this case being the site's founder, Joe Merrick. Not much more needs to be said.

Back to my personal relationships with the site, with that as the concern, I've not been that close with the site, if the above is of any indication. Instead, I'm closer to one of its other compatriots (or at times, competitors), though in this case I've also been distanced for quite some time. Even so, now that I've somewhat firmly established this blog, it may be possible for us to cooperate and/or collaborate on certain Pokémon affairs. If that ever happens, I'll gladly accept the offer, especially if it advances our interests. This blog may only be a fraction of the site's age, but some of the strides are similar.

For the moment, it is neat to be able to congratulate the progression and achievement of a site that has been around almost as long as Pokémon has been around. Anyone like me who has been with Pokémon and everywhere and nowhere on the Internet will certainly have had some influence from the site, minor or major. The same applies for the information gained by way from the site, however it's gotten. In that regard, it really is a little anniversary that may not actually be so little, depending on perceptions.

One year ago: Resilience
Two years ago: Cosplay: Arigatoo...!!!

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