Thursday, October 10, 2019

Illusions of Success?

As a whole, Pokémon is a highly successful game franchise composed of many games within. People buy and/or spend on the games in great amounts. Even so, recent findings have shown that it might seem that not everything might be well for some of the games, indicated by certain goings-on related to them. It's a bit speculative, but that seems to be the way things go.

Pokémon Masters is one of the games involved. Despite raking in a significant amount of money through in-game purchases, it seems the content is problematic. Anyone who has played will certainly know about the spate of errors the game has had, evidenced by the amount of compensation for them. It seems the overall content is also on the short side and that the game is confusing to say the least. Now, I can't personally vouch for these complaints, not having had a chance to play, but these are what the producers have received. They say they will update the game progressively to address these complaints. I find this to be an irony, but with that accordingly being the truth, they can and should respond by doing so. And while it means I'm only likely to experience the game post facto, I'm always hoping for the best.

Next on the list is Pokémon Go, or something brewing under it. Apparently, in a few days or so, there will be a special ticket item for sale, which will let Trainers access an event scheduled for November 2. The event is called "A Colossal Discovery", and the keyword seems to be "colossal", as with it, it suggests that Regigigas will be in the mix somehow. The event itself seems to be no problem, but the "for sale" part seems to be, as reportedly Niantic's next-door game Ingress has used the same technique and a few have complained about these so-called "paid events". Thus, the ticket item up for sale is essentially a proxy for that in Pokémon Go. Given the game's success without such an implementation, it might seem odd for some to see it implemented. But then things seem to have to demand for this, even if the game remains successful.

These are, of course, in addition to other shakeups that have occurred earlier, one of them being the Duel game closing its doors. And then it's hard not to forget about the National Dex affair, which may still have some effects being felt today. With these, it's almost as if earlier successes are getting away and becoming illusory. Perhaps a better way of thinking about it is that earlier successes are going nowhere and that current successes are illusory first before becoming reality. It's the "reality" part that then results from the efforts being put in. Success may very well happen, but not as the illusion "suggests", which may be something to keep in mind.

Whatever happens, even for such an illusionary world, the success of Pokémon is breathtaking. I'm quite sure it will remain that way for the longest time ahead.

One year ago: People-Adventure or Pokémon-Adventure?
Two years ago: Kanto Starter Keychains

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