Friday, October 25, 2019

One-Upping Ash

To one-up someone is to do better than that person. Thus, in the context of this post, to one-up Ash is to do better than Ash. That being the case, though, with the progression of the anime, this is kind of a touchy subject for me to discuss, as I show much admiration for what he can do and achieve... although what he can't, that may be another matter. It is perhaps worth it to explore this subject regardless.

I have been watching the anime recently, and I've noticed in one episode that Ash seems to have a hard time doing the laundry and cooking, as a result of certain troubles. In that episode, he also happened to be on his own while the troubles happened. This might likely be why most often he has a comrade of sorts with him. In that regard, I'd like to say that I can do better than this, even if it's only slightly better for the former and not supremely and excellently done for the latter. His attempt to accomplish these tasks remain respectable and appreciable, and I'm sure he would agree; this inspires me to accomplish the tasks as best as I can when the need arises.

Even so, there remains a few things about Ash that I seem to be unable to one-up, perhaps at least for now. One of those things is a little something I've "learned" about him through one of his comrades. It concerns something one does to keep oneself neat... but I won't say much more to avoid incriminating myself. As well, Ash's consistency in Pokémon battling is highly desirable and something that I'm challenged to emulate in any form. Further, I'd like to think that all the gaps in that consistency are partly the result of misfortunes and that his track record is actually impeccable. This too is rather inspirational.

Me: Don't you agree?

Ash: Oops, I'm sorry you had to see me fumble up the laundry and the cooking! I'm sure you can do a better job than me on that. But you know what? It's not always easy for me, but I do what I can, and I think you should too. We can always do what works for us while trying something else.

Pikachu: Pika! ["I agree!"]

Ash: I'll keep doing what I do, and you keep doing what you do. And we'll meet somewhere in the middle with the things we're good at.

That may be a good way to think about it. We might keep one-upping each other, but at least we'll still have a certain common ground, especially with Pokémon. That in itself should inspire us to keep things going.

One year ago: Dilemma of Colors
Two years ago: Pokémon XY Pikachu Freezer Bottle

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