Thursday, October 25, 2018

Dilemma of Colors

I'm involved in cosplay - Pokémon cosplay to be exact - so I have to deal with many things that are related to these efforts in general. This includes picking things out, whether fabric for clothing or materials for accessories, that are of certain colors. This might seem like a simple thing, but it's something that is potentially fraught with its own difficulties. It's something that has been attested by the greater public as well as myself.

Some time ago, a intensely heated debate arose on the Internet regarding two photos that appeared to be of the same piece of clothing, but in different colors. To make a long story short, the two photos were indicated to be in fact the same piece of clothing, but only one of the photos showed the clothing in true light. The lesson here is that color may be perceived differently in different situations, and even by individual people. For anyone who works with colors, whether artists, designers, or yes, even cosplayers, this could become a sensitive issue.

I'm no stranger to this issue. Last year, during a certain theme event, I made my debut as Ash in his Alola costume. However, as I continued to wear it, I felt that the pants were off regarding its colors. I then made the executive decision to change the colors of the pants after a couple of events, and four months later, I wore the costume with the revised pants. The issue seems to be that the color of the pants had been a bit falsely perceived as I was creating them, and this lends credence to the lesson above. It's something I wish to avoid in the future as much as possible.

I'm currently involved in a specific project, and I've become the acting "project manager". And yes, that project does involve colors, so I'm somewhat responsible for checking the colors of things that others contribute to the project. All the same, though, I can't be too hard on them, though I do expect that I and the others arrive at a happy medium. As for what that project entails, I can't divulge much of the details yet, and I may have to find a way so that I could discuss it here. I'm sure it will be highly fascinating once it's complete.

Color is inherently everything to a Pokémon fan, and it seems to be even more so for someone who couples this with cosplay. It may be something finicky to pinpoint for people and to get right even for myself. But with all that I do involving both, I still have to make the efforts to get it as right as possible, as difficult as it may be. The good thing is that once it's right, the results may just be really spectacular, both for myself and for others.

One year ago: Pokémon XY Pikachu Freezer Bottle

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