Thursday, October 31, 2019

Halloween 2019: Taking My Chances

Halloween is finally here. As always, it's a time for the bewitching and all the things that accompany it. This Halloween, though, there's a particular feeling of estrangement included in that mix. I'm already estranged from the festivities (see below, one year ago), but this year I feel more estranged due to the way some things have turned out. I feel that I have to take some chances with them, and that includes some things on the Pokémon front. It might be described as the most bewitching thing this time.

I've already detailed the Halloween-Pokémon connection (see below, two years ago), and the conclusion from that is that they're not too estranged. If anything, they've taken some chances to keep them from being very estranged as with the recent new forms in Pokémon Go and recently released Pokémon merchandise. And those are pretty good chances, I'd say, for I wouldn't object to having them when the opportunity becomes present. That would of course mean taking more chances for me, which could be as bewitching as those things.

Beyond Halloween, this weekend appears to be a hectic one, yet a fun one. To that end, I've taken some chances with what goes on in them - quite a bit being related to Pokémon. The run of things begin tomorrow, when I start preparing for what will unfold on Sunday. Then on Saturday, there's the Colossal Discovery event, which I've opted to participate in to see what it will be like... although there might be a twist or two in its execution, which I've realized within the past few days. Sunday should be the most hectic and most fun part. All of these should be just as haunting and bewitching as today would be in the best way.

Me: Isn't that the case?

Ash: Yeah! What I like today is that you sent me outside to maybe play a few games, but to catch some Pokémon too! I got to meet one of your Go friends and we traded some of the ones you've wanted to trade, and we even got a few Lucky ones.

Me: That should always be useful. What else happened today?

Ash: I got to check out a local park in your neighborhood, but it wasn't a PokéStop, so I made a request for it so it could be one. I hope it makes it!

Me: I do too. My neighborhood could use a few more of those. I hope a few gets realized.

Ash: You know, it kind of felt like trick-or-treating today, but it really wasn't.

Me: That's a hard thing to say, but most of the time it really isn't the case. At least something good came out of it.

I still feel estranged to some extent. But with that estrangement there is also Pokémon, which itself is not too estranged regarding Halloween, being today's special thing. With that being the case, I feel a little less estranged. Yet I still may have to take some chances in addition to the ones I've already taken. That could be the case for some time afterwards, beyond the bewitching happenings that could or may have occurred today.

Happy Halloween. 🎃

One year ago: Halloween 2018: The Tricks to Treats
Two years ago: Happy Halloween!

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