Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Halloween 2018: The Tricks to Treats

One of the things I miss about Halloween due to being displaced from where it is more significant is trick-or-treating, something I've noted in my Halloween post last year (see below). It's supposed to be a bit of a choice: if you don't "treat", you get a "trick" instead. In today's Halloween, that can mean and involve many things, and for many people including myself, that includes Pokémon.

Since Halloween is related to costumes, and costumes may be related to cosplay, it does mean the first and the last can interlink. I've never been much of an outgoing trick-or-treater, but if I were, now it would be with one of my Ash costumes. The "trick" part would be going to "capture" to get candy for Pokémon (á la Pokémon Go), and the "treat" part would be to see how much I can get. At the end of the day, though, I might have to distribute my candies to fellow trick-or-treaters, seeing how I'm not exactly fond of candy (a personal secret, which I do have to divulge).

I prefer to be on the other end, warding off "tricks" by giving others "treats". In fact, I had done this before during my phase of living in the United States. It was just as great to stay at home and wait for trick-or-treaters before springing them my selection of candy. Had I had my Ash costumes back then, I would have upped the ante with my own trick-or-treat: wear the costume, and then give treats. I'm sure it would have been just as much fun and made things a bit more festive.

Today, though...


Hi guys, so it's Halloween for my friend, and my friend asked me to get in on the action. So I did, with my Sinnoh outfit. Just as I came, I spotted a Giratina! I wanted to battle it, of course, and I got to, with some other friends. We knocked it out, but then I couldn't catch it - it was kind of hard. Some of them also went for a Deoxys today, but I couldn't quite go because it totally depended on my friend. After that, I did meet a few Dark and Ghost Pokémon, and I caught some of those. That was still fun. Later on I got some spooky food on a stick and enjoyed the rest of the day with my friend.

So yeah, that's some of the tricks and treats today. I'd love to have more next time!


In normal terms, yes, that means there was a raid for Giratina and an EX Raid for Deoxys today, but I couldn't participate today for the latter. There will be one next week, though. It's neat that this happened on Halloween, and it's something I look forward to participate in on a slightly larger scale in the future, possibly with a few more tricks. Some treats help too. And then of course there's me, and there's Pokémon.

Happy Halloween! 🎃

One year ago: Happy Halloween!

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