Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Psyduck Is Missing

I was going to write up about something else today, but seeing that this is a "developing issue" and has a few ties to Pokémon, I need to cover it. Behind every cosplayed character, there is of course a real person, and that applies equally well to a certain Psyduck in cosplay that I and many of my cosplayer friends have grown acquainted with, ever since Psyduck since first showed up. And more to the fact, that cosplayer - and with the person, Psyduck - has gone missing. No, I'm not kidding; truly missing.

The first time I heard word of this was three days ago after the raid group tournament from someone who used to be close to the cosplayer, who in fact is one of my best friends in Pokémon Go or otherwise; we've watched the Detective Pikachu movie together and even covered his little corner of the Internet. At that point, it was only five days after the disappearance. A bit of investigation with a different cosplayer friend, notably also involved in Pokémon cosplay, revealed that this might be rather serious, since the person had relinquished all related social media. It was only today, a little over a week after the disappearance, that the matter has gained a good amount of attention.

It's somewhat unfortunate, because her cosplay as Psyduck is amazing. Yes, the cosplayer's a girl, and she wears the Psyduck costume as a suit while squatting. That's how she appeared to be very low in the photo I posted the first time the costume came out, which also happened to be the first time I realized a great all-Pokémon cosplay project. Since then, the costume has appeared off and on, though with a good amount of welcome for it; it even won in a certain little event where I just barely scraped through. So it's a pretty good thing going... until last week occurred.

Ash: When I was at the last event you sent me to, she came personally and didn't send in Psyduck. I told her that I'd like to do something, cooperate with Psyduck, but then she couldn't promise.

Me: And then, this happened the very next day. It's all very disappointing.

Ash: So true. Now I wonder if I'll ever see Psyduck again.

Me: We have to hope for the best.

This "missing person" issue is kind of restricted to my local area, but I can share more specific details upon request if needed; some of my contact info can be found in the "donations" link off to the side. Regardless, it is an issue at that, one that drags Pokémon into it by virtue of being related. For now, the search is on for someone whose soul is as part of a duck in a tizzy as much as it is part of the local cosplay scene. It is with the utmost hope that both may return.

One year ago: Expression of Care
Two years ago: Three-Line Episode Summaries

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