Sunday, April 28, 2019

Cosplay: J-COSHOKAI 4 - Hibana no Utopia

Me: Hmm, this one should be neat. This is, of course, the repeat of the theme event from last year and two years ago. The theme this year is "the sparkle utopia", from what I gather.

Ash: Hey, I like it! I've seen lots of sparkling things before, so I kind of really want to get in. Right, Pikachu?

Pikachu: Pika pika pi! [concurring]

Me: That said, I've sent you with your Hoenn outfit. I think it really suits the theme.

Ash: Yeah! I'd say. If you think it's great, I think it's great too. Hoenn's a great place to be.

Me: Now, you might notice something different about the place this year. It might be... more grand?

Ash: Oh yeah! It's back to the grand hall that it was in three years ago! And the floor looks different from back then. I really, really like it!

Me: Yup. So I guess the reason why this theme event was held in the other hall was because it was waiting for this hall to be renovated. And from what you tell me, I'd say it's worth the wait.

Ash: The food, goodies, and community stands are great too. I mean, they're not too different from other events, but I like them.

Me: Well, that's something that doesn't change very often, but it's always fine. As for competitions, this one doesn't have many: just a character parade and team performance. So you can guess which one I set you up for.

Ash: The parade! Well, sure. Pikachu and I don't mind.

Pikachu: Pika pika!

Me: Actually, there's one more reason why I sent you with your Hoenn outfit.

Brock: Hi!

Norman: Hello.

Misty: Hey!

May: Hi!

Ash: All right! We have everyone here! Or almost everyone. Where's Max?

Brock: I was supposed to take care of him, but he really couldn't join at the last minute. Sorry about that.

May: Aw, how disappointing!

Misty: Oh no! I forgot Togepi!

Ash: Uh-oh. Well, you know what? At least most of us are here. Maybe next time.

Norman: Wait! You know what? There's a Psyduck in the crowd!

Psyduck: Psyduck! [greeting]

Ash: Well, there you go, Misty. There's your Pokémon.

Me: What?! My friends actually agreed with me to send in Brock, Misty, May, and Norman - sorry to find that Max couldn't make it - but this Psyduck is a total surprise!

Ash: But this is great! I rarely see them when you send me.

Brock: Yeah! And next time, maybe we can perform something for everyone?

Ash: That would be exciting! I guess my friend will have to talk to everyone else?

Me: I suppose. This would be a massive undertaking.

Misty: I and May have to leave early.

May: Yeah, our friends have called us back.

Ash: That's kind of soon. I hope to see you later.

Me: That's why I need to coordinate with them, then.

Brock: Well, it's been fun, but Norman and I have to go too.

Norman: A Gym Leader has a lot of things to do - including for May!

Ash: You know, this has been a lot of fun, even if their friends called them back early, and Max wasn't around. We have to do something great next time!

Me: I agree. I will really need to butt heads with them and agree on something. Now back to the event: how was everything?

Ash: The entertainment was nice, and the stands were nice too. Everything's as you think it would be, but in a good way!

Psyduck: Psy-duck! [remarking, parting]

Ash: Oh yeah, there's that too. That was a neat surprise. Lots of things were like that today.

Me: And the competition?

Ash: You know, it would have been more unbelievable if I won, but I didn't. 3 out of 33 is kind of small, and I wasn't one of the 3.

Me: I tend to agree. But you know, from what went on, the event itself was great, but what went on today was incredible! I finally got to send you with a few of your friends, thanks to me and my friends. If you ask me, that's an achievement in itself.

Ash: You're so right. This has got to happen again - better and bigger next time!

Pikachu: Pi pika chuu! [with strong agreement]

Me: Sure thing. I'll see to it that it happens just as big and good as this theme event.

One year ago: Other Pokémon Competitions
Two years ago: Pokémon Floor Mat

1 comment:

  1. Brock here.
    First of all, i know, my hair is a mess. That's what happens if you fought a Charizard in a blazing hot weather. (Lol)
    Secondly, Max was too tired because of his outbond on the day before the event, and he said that his shoes no longer fit.
    I also thought of not attending because of my tiredness, but i just can't break our promise/plan.
    That's all, sorry for the mindless banter.
    Brock, out.


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