Saturday, April 13, 2019

Pokémon Go Community Day, 4/13/2019

Every Community Day in Pokémon Go can be said to be in part an enigma, since it is not known how some things will proceed, even given the "bones". Those "bones" are standard from one to another - except for the particulars - and are definitely known. What may not be known to proceed is what happens on the game's end and the player's end. At least, that's the case until the actual Community Day happens, for which this month's is today.

This month, the "bones" are somewhat fascinating. The featured Pokémon is the Dragon-type Bagon, which should be quite attractive for fans and users of this type of Pokémon. For its final evolution of Salamence, its exclusive move is Outrage, which only adds to the novelty and perhaps the necessity. This month's main bonus is tripled XP for captures, which should benefit those looking for a boost in this regard. Other than that, there are the standard Shiny forms and extended Lure Modules. The schedule, like last month, is the uniform time of 3 PM to 6 PM wherever one is located. That much should be known by everyone.

With everything as above, it seemed that things would proceed well, especially given the schedule. What happened was that in the first hour of the event, things proceeded rather sluggishly, sometimes with PokéStops not being able to be spun and Pokémon not being able to be captured. This affected players in four time zones, including mine and the three time zones ahead of me. To rectify the issue, Community Day was extended for one hour in the places concerned. Even so, things were still spotty at times. This might have been known and foreseen, but in the end, it still happened this way. I'm sure that regardless of whatever was done, not everything could be accounted for and known.

As for my end, I didn't know how many Shiny forms I would be able to obtain and did not expect certain numbers of Shiny forms to be obtained. But it seems I had gotten a few more than normal, which is good, though many of their stats are terrible, something I could not foresee. I also knew I had to really manage well the Bagon that I caught, due to limited maneuverability. Luckily, I had a Lucky Bagon that I had obtained some time ago and I could evolve, knowing that it had good stats to boot. After making several considerations, I also evolved the Shiny Bagon that could provide short-term benefits and possibly in the longer term. The rest are open for trade, and after that, plans for them may be known.

This has been one enigma of a Community Day, with all that have been known and other things that were not known. There were the standards and things that could be gained from those standards. There were also the uncertainties and things that just didn't work out as intended. Other Community Days may pose the potential for being an enigma, but until those are known, there are the results from this enigma to be dealt with and ascertained.

One year ago: Go at Home
Two years ago: Paint It, Picross

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