Thursday, April 4, 2019

Local EX Raid (and Nothing), 4/4/2019

I had contemplated on whether I should write up this post as it is intended to be written, and after some time contemplating, I decided that it should be written as is. Today was the day that another EX Raid was scheduled in my local area, and I would like to say up front that I did participate in it, but the results weren't what I had hoped. Perhaps this could apply in more than one way in considering the general case.

The tag for this one is "nothing". This has some implications for the results, but I'll get to that soon enough. Unlike the previous one last week, there didn't seem to be any coordination made for it, even though it had been highly suggested. I also failed to utilize my ability to invite a friend, and a friend that booked the invitation dropped out at the last minute. By all accounts, those could be considered "nothing" as well.

When it came to the raid, I arrived rather early, and there was no one ("nothing") at the start. Then more and more people came, and it soon became evident that this would have easily made two or three battle flights that could have been explicitly coordinated. I chose one of the flights that wasn't too early or too late. It seemed things would go off without a hitch, until the battle suddenly came to a halt near the end. All the others had finished the battle, but my connection seemed to lag, and the battle never finished. Being that I couldn't do anything more, I closed the game and tried to restart. It took a while for it to finally arrive at the main game screen...

...and when I did, the raid was completed, but there was no chance to catch Deoxys. It was as if the raid had been completed after its time limit and my Box was full, but it was neither - there was still time to raid (though I couldn't, since I "completed" it or was "victorious"), and there was one slot left in my Box. Therefore, I got nothing out of this EX Raid, except a few more items which I may or may not need soon. I thought I was unlucky until I was informed someone in my group had forgotten about the EX Raid even though the person had been invited courtesy of someone else. This too led to nothing.

This post has been very hard for me to write. It was rather disappointing getting almost absolutely nothing out of what has been expected since the last EX Raid. The only good thing is that this is not the last of Deoxys in its Defense Form and that I had got one previously. That's the only consolation of this one, which should be satisfactory for all the others connected to what happened. By the next time, there should at least be something rather than nothing as there was today.


One year ago: Gambling Not Permitted
Two years ago: One Thing

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