Monday, April 1, 2019

April Fool's Day 2019: Objectivity and Subjectivity

It's not hard to expect what comes on April 1. It is of course, April Fool's Day. I feel that although this may be a minor thing for some people or others, it still has meaning. For just one day a year, people are allowed to take some things not too seriously and have fun. That's a wondrous thing, given the demands of modern society. It's a feeling that may bring peace and joy to some people. And for me personally, if it can involve Pokémon, then I'm all for it.

Today, if you're taking pictures in Pokémon Go, you might notice a special surprise from a Pikachu with an Original Cap in your photos. It's an expansion of a feature that is designed for a specific Pokémon, but that deserves its own discussion. What's important right now is that the "special surprise" can be triggered five times today for five chances with this special Pikachu. And if one is fortunate, it may just be Shiny!

I got this on my third picture with a different Pokémon. It seems some people weren't so fortunate to have this, but it's something not to be too seriously taken to heart, just like the spirit of this day for lighthearted matters. Many other things, Pokémon or otherwise, remain something to go for with all heart and seriousness, especially if they're really important and go beyond the confines of this day.

That said, here's someone who presents another take:

Hey, that's a nice Shiny Pikachu! All right, so you sent me out today for a few fun things, and I got a few of them done. I played your favorite music game right now, and that was fun for a bit. What was really fun was getting up close to Giratina and capturing it. I'll save the rest for you to explain later, but that's still great. I guess I see your point - it's nice to be able to not be so serious just for a bit. I'm sure serious Pokémon training will then be more fun.

Subjectively (and/or objectively), April Fool's Day may be regarded differently by different people. I personally find it a time to be (a bit) less objective about some things and take up some subjectivity. Pokémon may of course take part; it has been, and will likely continue to do so. In a nutshell, I can be quite subjective about some things today, and then be back to objective tomorrow.

Maybe I can contend one objective thing today: fun. Happy April Fool's! 🙂

One year ago: April Fool's Day 2018: Stepping Back, Moving Forward
Two years ago: It's April Fool's Day!

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