Monday, April 15, 2019

The Fullness of the Cup

As I reported, the theme event from the other day is titled "INOCHI", which means "life" in Japanese. Near the end of my time with the event, I received word that my family had experienced a tragedy that concerns this word. It's saddening to be sure, but I also - and perhaps the related person - believe that some of the time was better spent for the event (and by consequence, my attraction to Pokémon) than worrying about the one for whom the tragedy concerns. It's my way of regarding "the cup", which deserves its own explanation.

Popular rhetoric recognizes a specific phrase that asks whether a cup (or typically a glass) filled with some sort of liquid is half empty or half full. Those who say it's the former would be regarded as having pessimism, while those who say it's the latter would be regarded as having optimism. It's a situation that demonstrates how people can have different points of view based on what they comprehend out of the situation.

Some people also recognize an extended - although jocular - rhetoric that states that they will drink what's in the glass regardless of whichever point of view they subscribe... assuming, of course, that the liquid in the cup is perfectly harmless. This is one of several extended jocular rhetoric that considers the cup and the liquid in various guises according to the people in question as well as their points of view.

As far as I myself personally and this blog are concerned, my cup is Pokémon, inside and out. I'll take the cup, however much it's filled. I'll drink up whatever is in the cup, though it may require a bit of time for some things. I'll even "keep" the cup because what's on the outside may be as appealing as whatever's inside. The rhetoric is somewhat extended here, but it more or less concerns how Pokémon and my life are connected, including what I did during the event yesterday. In regard to the person, it may be that some of the contents of the cup may be contributed by the person, even if neither of us realize it, which is a good thing.

For now, I have to give my thanks to the person. The relationship might be rather small when including Pokémon, but it is regardless significant in a way. It's just as significant as the "cup" rhetoric that concerns the points of view of different people. And for me, I can always use something in that cup as well as the cup itself. Whether it's half full or empty, it has become my cup that I can then enjoy.

One year ago: Cosplay: GAME - Games Animation Marketplace and Exhibition
Two years ago: True Colors (...of a Logo)

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