Sunday, April 14, 2019

Cosplay: INOCHI 2019 - Sengoku Jidai

Me: OK, so you know what?

Ash: What?

Me: If I send you to one of two simultaneous events today, and they're both something you've been to before, would you choose one that has fewer things to do, or one with more things to do?

Ash: Well, you know, it's kind of like going to Altomare for Latias and Latios, or dealing with Battle Frontier in Kanto. I'd say the second one.

Pikachu: Pi! Pi pika pi! [supporting]

Me: Great! I trust you won't miss the first one anyhow, which is a repeat of a convention I sent you to last year, which was kind of finicky even though it was fun.

Ash: I'll say. Now that I think about it, it was kind of like that there.

Me: Anyhow, this one is this year's edition of the same theme event from last year, only with a different theme. Instead of flowers, we have a struggle this time around. Imagine how things will go.

Pikachu: Pika pika pi! [adding]

Ash: You know what? It did have a struggle, with the weather. The morning was fine, but then it looked windy and was going to rain, and then it never happened. It was clear all afternoon.

Me: Funny how that is. It must have disrupted the schedule of events. Now, I did send you for two competitions: singing and character parade.

Ash: Right! You sent me with the Unova outfit. But that's also because you wanted me to sing the first opening song to my adventures there. That's a great song, if I do say so myself.

Me: Indeed it is. How were they?

Ash: I sang really well. You should have heard it - I think it was almost perfect. The character parade was great too, and I could really show off there. But I couldn't exactly stay to hear about them. There was just no time.

Me: And from the looks of things, we didn't win anything. That's a bit of a shame. What else did you find?

Ash: I found many food stands, community stands, and merchandise stands. They were all a lot like last year. But you know what wasn't like last year? I got you in touch with so many of your friends, a lot like the last time you sent me to another event.

Me: OK, so the event this year didn't seem too different from last year, but it seemed quite festive, especially with you in two competitions. And I'm impressed that so many of my friends came even if there was another that stole the spotlight.

Ash: They said it was their ninth year!

Pikachu: Pi pika pika pi! [cheerful]

Me: Hmm, I only hope they can keep improving for future times this is held. By the way, the word "inochi" means "life" in Japanese.

Ash: That's a nice word.

Pikachu: Pika. [solemn]

Me: It is. And it has become a word that is relevant to me and Pokémon. More to come.

One year ago: Shiny Here, Shiny There
Two years ago: Friendly Plays

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