Sunday, May 12, 2019

Watching in Style, with Friends

First up, I have to say that for the next few days forward there will be quite a bit of posts related to the newly released Detective Pikachu movie, and that's understandable. It is, after all, the "in" thing right now regarding Pokémon; anyone who enjoys Pokémon like I do will likely want to get in on the action. That's just what I and a few of my other friends did over the past few days with this movie on its run in local cinemas: we gathered and had a watch party - or make that parties, since I participated in two of them. It also helped that we did them with a little bit of style and flair.

The first one was of course the one that occurred on Friday, which I mentioned in the other post, and obviously allowed me to review and summarize it. That happened in one of the cinemas near where I live, and at 8 PM - which explains why I didn't write up the review on that day: the movie wrapped up at around 10:00 and things wrapped up around 10:30, which meant that I would have had only one and a half hours if I wanted to write it up on the same day. With that considered, I decided to shelve it for the next day. Fortunately, I already had a topic and post all ready to go on Friday, so there wasn't much to worry about, besides other things I had to do that day.

Ash: Hey, the movie was actually fun!

Me: Oh, yes, that's part of the flair and style: I sent you to watch the movie also.

Pikachu: Pika pika! [cutting in]

Me: Yeah, you too, Pikachu.

Psyduck: Psy! [cutting in]

Me: Huh. Well, it can't be helped. My friend told me the duck would be sent in.

Ash: At least it didn't explode while we were watching!

Pikachu: Pi, ka. [showing concern]

Me: That's a good thing, based on what I've been told. How was the watch party?

Ash: It was great! Your friends told me they liked the movie too. Everyone else got a kick seeing us.

Me: Yes, I can imagine. I think a few pictures people took have been going round and round. OK, so that's one watch party.

The second watch party occurred today, with my Pokémon figure group. This one happened somewhat farther away and in the midday, with the movie being shown at around 12 PM with it ending at around 2:00. This one, though, was an all-day - well, more like half-a-day - affair with quite a bit of interaction with my figure group, and even beyond that. Unlike the other watch party, this one also involved five times as many people, and it was a riot. Because it was also my figure group, they held a small giveaway - which I didn't win - and it became a meeting for us as well on the side. And not to forget...

Ash: Yeah, you sent me there too!

Pikachu: Pika! [excited]

Me: Yes, I had to. That's part of the flair and style as well. But I've also sent you with one small detail change just for this one.

Ash: Oh! The shirt - it's your figure group's. I like that it really matched my Kanto-Johto outfit!

Me: It does, huh? They told me it would suit well, and I agree. Now, how was it?

Ash: You know, I like this one a lot. I got to meet a lot more of your friends, and it really was like a small event.

Me: Sure! And I hope you didn't mind seeing the movie twice.

Ash: It's OK - I got to see lots of things I missed the first time, but that's still nice.

Pikachu: Pi, pi pika pi! [pointing out]

Me: That is something I personally consider a good thing, along with these two watch parties.

And yet, the second watch party would constitute a "re-watching", something that I've discussed in the past. But as stated above, I did get something out of it, and that is good. Moreover, the two watch parties altogether could be considered a case for "solidarity making", which is perhaps a better reason than anything else. In fact, the first watch party was a re-hash of another one that ironically could be considered to have failed due to a lack of solidarity. So besides the enjoyment, there is really a noble cause, which has to be appreciated.

Regardless, to be able to partake in these watch parties is still something great, and to do it with style and flair, plus a few (or a lot) of friends, is excellent. Whenever possible, this is the way things should be, especially when it comes to Pokémon features such as this new movie.

Me: And I hope next time there will be something just as good as this one that I can send you to. Right, Ash?

Ash: Hey, why not? Pikachu and I would be glad!

Pikachu: Pika pika!! [strongly approving]

One year ago: To Know the Unknown
Two years ago: You Are Blessed

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