Saturday, May 12, 2018

To Know the Unknown

To know the unknown (It doesn't mean very much to me)
To know the unknown (Some secrets are just meant to be)
Don't want all the answers, 'cause one thing is true:
As long as my heart beats, I'll always love you
So I don't need to know the unknown...
-- "To Know the Unknown", Innosense

After discussing the Japanese ending song to the third Pokémon feature film (or at least the English version of it), it is hard not to discuss about the English ending song. It's technically a "different creature" to the Japanese ending, based on its genre and messages, but because this song (and the other) are hard to dissociate from the movie, they're rightfully Pokémon songs. As thus, they deserve some appreciation in any way possible.

Genre-wise, this is a more pop-styled and upbeat song. It sounds almost like any one of the songs in the "interpretative soundtrack" to the previous two movies in English. Some fans may irk or cringe at this, but if the selection of songs are not too bad, then it's still a good thing. It does deliver a decidedly contrasting flavor than if the Japanese-turned-English version of the other song were used instead, but that may also be perfectly fine.

Now, the song's title is as such that it plays off of one of the featured Pokémon in the movie, which would be Unown and for which its English (and to some extent Japanese) pronunciation is more or less the same as the word "unknown". That said, the message of the song is one of love, that one loves someone no matter what happens in the world, which can be so mysterious and unknown, and yet the explanations or answers to those unknown things may not need to be known. Even for a know-it-all like me, there may be some wisdom in this message, especially considering things that recently happened. It's zen-simple and profound, as with the other song.

There's some beauty to be appreciated regarding this song, even if it's not the English version of the actual Japanese ending song. Though the genre may be considered too typical for an English showing, the message can be taken to heart as well. I find this respectable in many ways. I may not need the answers to why everything happens the way they do, but one thing is for sure: I'll always have love in this world, for Pokémon and life in general. I like that.

One year ago: You Are Blessed

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