Saturday, May 5, 2018

Cosplay Team Projects

After seeing Misty at last Sunday's theme event, it got me to wonder. I've never really been in a cosplay team project that involves Pokémon; the best I've really gotten is to encounter others cosplaying Pokémon, such as Misty in the previous occasion and two people cosplaying Pikachu in past occasions - in fact, for the latter, I met one of those people the very first time I cosplayed. This is great as a chance happening, but it's hardly organized like a project. The further step of going into team projects is an interesting direction into which I could take my Pokémon cosplay.

As far back as last year, there was a suggestion by another cosplayer that we should cooperate; in fact, there was a direct suggestion that a Pikachu cosplay was to be involved, and the cooperation was slated to occur in January of this year. Nothing ultimately resulted out of this, however; had it happened, it would have been on this blog anyway, and no post back then was of such. Meanwhile, another cosplayer friend of mine has expressed the desire of cosplaying Iris from Unova. I told my friend that if this happened, I would gladly cooperate and furnish my fifth-generation (BW) Ash costume for the occasion; this too has yet to happen. At the event last Sunday, I also talked to another cosplayer who might be interested in cosplaying May from Hoenn, but again, whether this is to be realized is unknown to me.

Back to my friend who desired to cosplay Iris, recently that same friend also took second place at a team cosplay competition held on Sunday, no less. This prompts me to think that if the Iris thing is realized, it might as well be realized for a performance. I can't get over how well the previous performance by my friend and another friend was realized, which is why probably the judges thought it deserved second place at least. Given my friend's penchant for performance, it probably might just happen, though it might take some cooperation. And that, I think, is the key word: whoever I cooperate with and whatever the forms it will take, we'll really have to have cooperation to make the team project a success.

As an aside, it just so happens that the post I wrote one year ago (see below) is akin to the spirit of this post. Pokémon cosplay has become my thing, but it hasn't yet become the thing of other cosplayers close to me, let alone an organized cooperative thing as in a team project. As much as I love my Pokémon cosplay, I'm also interested in getting together with others and make this something for all of us. The possibility is there, and we only need to make the possibility a reality.

With the way things are, I wonder if cosplay team projects that involve me and Pokémon cosplay can be realized. If they do, and are done well, the results might just be as wondrous as those chance encounters with other Pokémon cosplayers.

One year ago: The "Me Thing" vs. the "We Thing"

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