Sunday, May 6, 2018

Cosplay: J-COSHOKAI 3 - Saikou no Yorokobi


You know, my friend, you're so good at finding these theme events all over where you live. This one, which is only in its third time, was great two years ago when I was sent to it and even last year, when my friend sent in a different Pokémon character. And, well, things are still great this time, even if things are not that much different from what my friend saw last year.

I have to say that I like the new place, even though it's kind of small. That's OK - it brings everyone closer. But it does kind of get hot. Everything else was like what my friend found last year: merchandise stands, food stands, bands, dance cover groups, and lots of characters... including me!

Pikachu: Pikachu! [cutting in]

Yes, you too, Pikachu. You're with me, and we were in the character parade together, thanks to the efforts of my friend. We were one of 20 or so characters in it, and... I wasn't one of the winners. There were three of them, but I still didn't win. I'm a bit sad, as you must be, Pikachu, but sometimes that's the way things go. Sigh.

Since everything else is pretty much the same, what I like has to be meeting up with other familiar people and characters. I met a character who told me that the one who sent her might be interested in calling up Misty and sending her in. I hope it just might happen. And then there are just other people I met, including a band who knows my friend and I well, and in turn he and I know them well too. The hosts even led me to a game of rock-paper-scissors with the vocalist, and I won! Haha. It was the only thing I won today. I was even invited to be part of their picture after their performance. All of this was so fun.

The theme for this year, my friend tells me, is "the greatest pleasure". If last year's theme was "a beautiful flower", again as my friend tells me, then this is definitely a step up. My friend and I can't wait to see it expand next time, if possible. It would be very much the greatest pleasure if that happened, second of course only to our love of Pokémon.


One year ago: Shuffling Stages

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