Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Old Memories, New Memories

Recently, I've had an experience which has caused me to lose connections with many, many memories, including some Pokémon ones. It's a bit harrowing, frankly, as they are some of the deepest connections I have. But then I'm reminded that even with Pokémon, I'll still have a chance to make new ones. So I want to take the time and space to reflect on that, particularly with my linkages to Pokémon.

If I were to really consider it, perhaps this is not the first time that it has happened. Something like this could be considered to have happened on a smaller scale. The effect was the same, as it meant the loss of a connection to a Pokémon memory. Further, it could also be regarded as inevitable or simply unavoidable. Since then, I have somewhat disregarded it, though some of the link still lingers in my mind. In particular, this has come to the front of my mind again with the latest happening.

Within a Pokémon context, though, it's not hard to say that this kind of thing happens all the time, and what's more, newer memories have a greater role. In a Pokémon journey, new memories continuously supplant older ones. I'd like to think that the exact same thing happens for me, only sometimes things turn out to radically change in regard to the memories. But even then, sometimes the connection is not fully lost, and occasionally the old ones do return, so there might be a chance to reconnect with older and newer memories alike. It's a small hope, but there's some hope nonetheless.

On that note, it might be time to say my goodbyes to these old memories. As harrowing as it might be, my journey along with Pokémon continues, and there will likely be new memories that can supplant some of these old ones. Yet should the chance for a reunion with these old memories come about, it may very well be a blessing. This is my Pokémon journey, and memories will come and go about it.

One year ago: Indie Pokémon Stickers

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