Thursday, May 10, 2018

The No's of Go

Anyone who plays Pokémon Go knows that after the initial loading screen with its reminder to be alert and stay aware, a pop-up appears with one of three things selected at random that the game warns players not to do, to be read before being dismissed by tapping "OK". Anything can happen while players play the game, so the warnings are to counteract unsavory dangers that players may befall into. I've already discussed two of them, so now it's time to discuss the third and wrap it all up for cohesion.

Here then, are the three "no's" of Go:

Don't trespass while playing. I already discussed this one while discussing places that can't easily be accessed in Go. It just really means players shouldn't be playing where they shouldn't be, like in an area that belongs to someone else without permission or is not supposed to be available at a certain point in time. The takeaway is that as long as a player is OK to be in a certain area, then it's not trespassing and play can continue with no ill effect.

Don't enter dangerous areas. This is the only one I haven't discussed. This warning is similar in vein to and carries traits of the previous one, but it also means something different, and that is not to play in areas where they may present a risk to life or limb. For example, players shouldn't play in disaster areas, close to magma or deep rivers, in areas with big and sharp obstacles, and so on and so forth. Simply put, if an area may allow players to hurt themselves seriously while playing because of a threat present, then Go shouldn't be played there. It's better to play in a clearer area with more solid footing and less threatening features.

Don't play while driving. This one I mentioned while discussing about playing Go on a train. It's definitely not OK to play while driving, as is any other usage of a cellphone by the driver of a moving vehicle, which may in fact be also illegal. It's OK to play if the one playing is not in control of the vehicle, though this does present some inconveniences. In any case, Go is a walking game anyway and is better enjoyed through a trek on land rather than a ride in a vehicle.

These three restrictions are not meant to fully restrict players, but only to keep them safe and scot-free while they play. On the whole, these restrictions should be kept in mind and followed, even if only one of them appears at any one time at the beginning of playing Go. It is indeed very fun to play Pokémon Go, but it would be even more fun to play the game and to keep oneself together while doing it.

One year ago: Site Design

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