Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Keeping the Demo Versions

Speaking of memories the other day, another place that has many of my Pokémon memories is my 3DS, in the form of the demo versions available for certain Pokémon games, including for the most recently released Detective Pikachu. Technically, I've completed the demo versions, so I have little need for them anymore. However, these demo versions are also unique in their own regard, and so I have the desire to keep them not only because of their utility, but also because of the links I have with them.

I confess that this keeping of demo versions applies for many kinds of games, even those outside of my 3DS. Even though many demo versions have something in common, which is that they're limited in scope or by usage, it is this limitation that makes them unique. It makes them good for quick one-off plays when I really need something different and nothing else suffices. They may even have quirks of their own that could potentially make the pace of play even more unique. The pace of play is something that I remember most, and like a good book, film, or song, sometimes it's worth repeating.

That said, the usage of the demo versions might be different. The demo for Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity is the most restrictive, allowing me only 25 more uses before I have to really remove it, but perhaps those uses are good for occasionally trying to find dungeons. The mission style of the OR/AS and S/M demos might be memorable to replay, and moreover, at this point I still have not transferred the goodies to the actual versions of those games, so there is still something to do. Finally, it could be wise to experience the hard mode of Detective Pikachu before trying it out on the real thing, whenever that might be. To some extent, the demo versions do have some use after their completion.

Though I now have most of the full games that these demo versions correspond to - and will have all whenever I obtain Detective Pikachu - there is the desire to hold on to them for as long as possible. If anything, this desire is based on the experience that I've had with them, and this experience translates into a kind of memory. Their utilities may be (growing) scant, but the memories are as great as ever, at least until the point where they need to go to make way for new memories.

One year ago: Cosplay Laundry

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