Saturday, May 4, 2019

Cosplay: Bunkasai 2019 -Tanabata Matsuri-, Day 1

Me: First of all, I'm really sorry. I intended to send you to this rather far event for one day only, which should have been tomorrow, but a few things ran together, and I ended up sending you today as well.

Ash: You'll have to really check next time, I think.

Me: Yeah, that was part of the problem. But then again, I wanted to send you so you can do more, and it was perhaps a chance that needed to be taken regardless.

Ash: I understand. Think about things also.

Pikachu: Pi, ka. [affirming]

Me: OK. There's a story you have to know about this one. This is a theme event at a local tech college, not unlike last week. Last year, this event also took place on the same day as last year's edition of an event some weeks ago, but then as you know, something odd, which also happened to be terrible, happened that day. This event got canceled on its second day, while the other one went on as normal, which I sent you to.

Ash: Oh! I get it. And you wanted me to make up for that one today, or tomorrow. Or both!

Me: More or less. The one big thing today is the singing competition. It's a chance I wanted both of us to take for something that could be big.

Ash: Interesting! And you've given me...

Me: The first Japanese opening song, again. Someone told me that you should try to do it again, and I agree. It's part of that possible "something big". And I also wanted you to retest the new version of your old Kanto outfit from three months ago.

Pikachu: Pika pi! Pika pika! [supporting]

Ash: Sure! And you know what: the judge for it seems to really know you well.

Me: Oh my! How'd you do?

Ash: I messed up the introduction again - I'm sorry about that. But the rest of the song was more or less all right!

Me: But the audience should be enthusiastic, right?

Ash: They were! You should enjoy it too. But you're still going to break it down, right?

Me: Of course. It's important to me and that "something big" too. It has to be done. By the way, did you get me in touch with my figure friends? They're supposed to show things off.

Ash: I did! The things they have are so neat. I even got you in touch with that girl fan of yours, but only through a video call. And then there's all of your friends, and one decided to help me out.

Me: OK. That should be good. As this is a two-day event, at least we can hold off on the overall impressions until tomorrow. It's something that hasn't been on this blog since an event last year.

Ash: But I guess that's great! We are doing this one together.

Pikachu: Pika pika! [adding, complimenting]

Ash: You too, Pikachu.

Me: That's right. So, more things will be coming tomorrow.

One year ago: Evolutionary Items and Their Limits
Two years ago: 3D, 2D, and Everything in Between

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