Saturday, May 11, 2019

Special Feature Film - "POKÉMON: Detective Pikachu"

Well, after a six-month wait, the highly expected Pokémon movie is now finally here. I've just watched it last night with a few friends - more on this soon enough - so now it's the perfect time to discuss about it. By now, most everyone has the movie released in their area, mine (Indonesia) being three days ago and the U.S. being yesterday with small variations thereof in other places, and that becomes a good reason as well to discuss it.

As I've noted previously, this movie is based on the respective game, but that doesn't mean it's a total parallel with the game. From what I've observed, supplemented with reports by others, the movie and the game are strikingly different, though there are references abound. And that's OK with me; I don't necessarily want to see the game itself exactly translated to the screen, which in a way would be weird. Alas, after six months I still have not been able to procure and play the game, as other things took priority, but I can tell from others who have done so. Based on that, the movie encapsulates the essence of the game without being the game itself, which should be great for those who have and have not played the game. The storyline of the movie itself is flat-out amazing and needs to be seen to be understood.

And then there's the Pokémon aspect. Those who are more used to Pokémon appearing cartoony in the games and the anime might find the Pokémon as they appear in this movie to be a bit surprising due to the realistic 3D aspect, but it is likely that they will get used to it as they watch the movie. The animation of the Pokémon is dazzlingly impressive and contributes to this regard. The diversity of the represented Pokémon is also appreciable; if one looks closely enough, one will find at least one member (or a few others) of each currently present Pokémon generation. As for the "PikaPool" aspect, that's a thing of its own, but I dare say one will find it appreciable over time. A few of my friends can vouch for this as well, saying that they enjoyed it regardless.

This movie seems to be one that broadens horizons. For those who are not great fans of Pokémon, they may find a new appreciation for it by watching this movie, and be inspired as well to take up Pokémon. For those who are already great fans, they may find its realism to be impressive, being able to see it in a new light. The fact that it's a Western-produced movie for an Eastern-origin phenomenon should make it also nothing short of astounding for audiences in both parts of the world. That said, if you're a movie buff, Pokémon fan, or both, you ought to see this movie no matter what. There's something in it to enjoy for everyone.

It has been a long wait for this movie, but it's one that is well-deserved. This movie is rightfully a part of Pokémon just as much as its typical anime feature. Beyond that, it's an awesome movie through and through. I trust that those who watch will not have many reasons to be disappointed.

Three-line summary:
Discover all the things that matter
with a boy and one strange Pikachu
on the wildest Pokémon case ever.
One year ago: Just Like a Rainbow
Two years ago: A Shout-Out to a Fellow Blogger

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