Monday, May 27, 2019

Pokémon Go Event Rollup, 5/27/2019

Last month, the event rollup for Pokémon Go was kind of long. This month, I don't expect it to be as long. However, there are still quite a few events that have happened. It seems the challenge for these rollups is to strike a balance between "succinct" and "verbose" for all the events that have occurred; on one hand, it is a summary, and yet on the other, I have to detail them to some extent. That's a good challenge, and so the rollup for this month is on.

In late February to early March, Shiny Meltan had appeared in a dedicated Mystery Box event. The same event returned in late April to early this month. The particulars are exactly the same as before, so there's no need for an extensive discussion. I, however, did not get any Shiny Meltan this time around, but the ones I got last time I opened up the box helped boost my Candy stock. I expect to do the same if this returns for a third time and/or I resupply my Mystery Box, which probably will not be for some time.

The most fascinating event of this month has to be the Detective Pikachu event, which of course coincided with the release of the movie in question. In brief, this event features Pokémon seen in the movie, present in the wild and in raids. Aipom, due to its small part in advancing the story, also gets its Shiny form, of which I'm blessed to obtain one. Pikachu too could also appear in photos with the deerstalker/detective cap and then be caught, much like on April Fool's Day, though only once a day. This event was quite novel and just plain fun, which has to be appreciated.

Second in line is one termed the Extraordinary Raid Week, wherein raid bosses were shaken up a bit; this event is due to end in a day or two. To mark the event, Bronzor also gets its Shiny form. As part of the event, there was also a (Dinner) Raid Hour last Thursday, which is an extension of previous iterations involving Legendary Pokémon to all raid levels, as well as a "Lapras Raid Day", similar to the previous iteration with Gengar six months ago. I and a friend got a special memory for this event overall, although I did not get a Shiny Lapras. The last sub-event seems to (have been made to) satisfy people who wanted Shiny Lapras out of last month's Safari Zone. Overall, it seems to have done that, and the event in general has a neat concept that can stand to be repeated.

Early in the month, Trainers were also taken by surprise after the Lake Beings of Sinnoh (Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf) appeared in the wild, making them the first Legendary Pokémon to do so. They then appeared as Level 5 raids, but for specific regions only; my region got Uxie. Even so, their popularity seems to be up and down with Trainers. It was initially suggested that they could appear as Research Breakthroughs, knowing that this would happen; it may still be wise to hope for this. For now, they still have a very, very remote possibility of appearing in the wild, which would probably cause excitement if one were to be found.

Speaking of excitement, the remaining Sinnoh Pokémon, save for a notable handful mostly on the tail end of its Pokédex, have also appeared in the game. This includes the two new Eeveelutions found in Sinnoh, and these deserve their own discussion involving another new feature in the game. One of them (Shellos), even became involved in two mix-ups, one of them for a small Earth Day celebration from late last month involving Ground-type Pokémon, and again when it reappeared. Other than that, it seems plausible to expect them as part of other regular events in the game, which is something to look forward to.

With that, this month's rollup has ended up being another long one. But then that's what happens when quite a few events have come down the pipeline. At the least I've provided the above summaries, which should capture the soul of the events without being too wordy. In any case, words are necessary for them after all in detailing them on this blog. The challenge is as much as in describing them and partaking in them as I play.

One year ago: Long Raid's Journey Into Night
Two years ago: A Test of My Resolve: I Still...

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