Saturday, May 27, 2017

A Test of My Resolve: I Still...

I still need you
I still care about you
Though everything's been said and done
I still feel you
Like I'm right beside you
But still no word from you
-- "I Still...", Backstreet Boys

I don't know everything about Pokémon. In fact, I don't know everything about everything. So there are always things I don't know in addition to things I know. And recently I discovered something about Pokémon that if I were any more foolish, I'd turn away and give it all up. But I won't, and there is a reason why... and there is a connection with the above song.

As I've said in the very first post on this blog, inspiration is one of the reasons why I started this blog. Many things that I've posted about in this blog show that Pokémon has a lot of inspiration going into it as well as going outwards. Inspiration is the driving force behind why so many regions in the world resemble real-world ones, as well as creations like pillows and shirts. In short, inspiration is everywhere when it comes to Pokémon.

To turn away from this inspiration is tantamount to denying that it isn't. It would additionally deny my own inspirations that result from Pokémon, not all of which I have divulged in this blog. So here is my resolve: I won't turn away regardless of what I know or don't know, and what I am capable or not capable of doing in regard to Pokémon. I can only regard it in a better light, the same way as Ash becomes a better Trainer.

This is why the song above came to mind. Even for Pokémon, things happen sometimes without my knowledge until I find out what, how, and why things are the way they are. Irrespective of that, inspiration still flows in and out of it, and this is something to be appreciated. I still think Pokémon has a place in my heart because of that inspiration, no matter how things play out. It's one that I need, and it's one that I care about.

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