Sunday, July 7, 2019

Cosplay: Konbini Anime

Me: Um, so. This weekend is actually a busy time for us both, one of the reasons being this not-so-mini theme event I've sent you. It took me some thinking and effort, but I've managed to do it for you.

Ash: What's up with this one?

Pikachu: Pi... ka? [curious]

Me: The title of this event is short for "convenience store - anime". As you can guess, it takes place in a convenience store. I suppose it could be taken as a way for the store to appreciate some Japanese things, so the store held this theme event.

Ash: OK, and there are two competitions for me, right?

Me: That's right! You're in the singing and character parade. I've sent you with a totally OK song for the former, literally.

Ash: Oh, I like that one! And you want my Kanto and Johto outfit for that one, of course.

Me: Indeed. Now, this is the first time I've sent you with this song, so things may not go right. How'd it go?

Ash: Yeah, I'm sure I messed up on a bit of the lyrics, so it sounded a little off.

Pikachu: Pi, pika. [moans]

Ash: Everyone liked it though! But it didn't win a prize. The two winners were girls anyway.

Me: Hmm. What about the character parade?

Ash: That one was great. I got to do stuff with Pikachu in front of me, and I think I wowed people. But you know who else did? That Psyduck of your friend's. That got second place! I won only a giveaway by the store, and Psyduck too.

Me: Interesting how predictable that seems. Now, the event itself has some good intentions and it looks good enough, but a friend told me that behind it, there was a mess. The character competition was supposed to be different, and there was supposed to be a few other acts that were later dropped.

Ash: Really?

Me: My friends got quite a bit confused - did you?

Ash: What I got confused was on the price of entry and the competitions. They said that the prices of the competitions include the price of entry, but if they did, then I wouldn't have to pay twice to enter both! Don't you think?

Me: From what I hear and what you went through, some of them may be confused among themselves, and the effect of them being confused is us being confused as well. The theme event is good, but the organization is subpar. I hope if this ever gets held again, they need to think things through.

Pikachu: Pi, pika chu. [conferring]

Ash: And yeah, this weekend was busy! Will you be telling about it?

Me: Sure! This is actually only Part 2 of that weekend, and really only half of it, even. Part 1 is due soon enough.

One year ago: ...However Things Turn Out
Two years ago: Shiny Stories

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