Saturday, July 13, 2019

I'm a... Bounty Hunter?

There is a term that I recall from some of my older fellow cosplayers. That term, as the title of this post might obviously indicate, is "bounty hunter". Its origin is as a term referring to someone who seeks fugitives to return them and receive a reward, but in a general context, it may be extended to someone who seeks as many rewards as possible. For my older fellow cosplayers, this obviously means rewards or prizes from competitions at theme events or conventions and so on, by participating in them. In a way, the term might be considered to apply to me with my Pokémon cosplay, and then it might not.

The way that it might apply is that it's rather evident by most of the event/convention coverage on this blog that I try to sign up for as many competitions as possible. As recent as last year, I've also branched out into the karaoke/J-Song competitions, which provides another competitive outlet, thereby expanding it. Even in last June's big tournament, I signed up for all the competitions that were available: the tournament itself as well as the cosplay and buddy competitions. With all the competitions that I've participated in, it does seem like I've become a "bounty hunter" for the prizes that those competitions offer. And yet, that's only one way to regard it.

The other way to regard it is that it really means nothing. I do participate in the competitions whenever available and/or possible, but the prize is not the main objective. The objective is to show off what I can do, to have at least a little fun, and of course to show how I'm attracted to Pokémon. Those are great things to be sure, whether or not my efforts beget a prize. Admittedly, though, a prize would bolster my credibility for all of those and sweeten the deal, but it's not absolutely necessary. In this way, I'm not really a "bounty hunter", though a part of me could be considered one.

Whether I am or am not a "bounty hunter" could be considered to some extent irrelevant. What isn't irrelevant is that I am a big Pokémon fan, which then leads to my participation in cosplay and all things related to it. That relevance is something I'd like to maintain for the foreseeable time ahead. I may or may not be a bounty hunter - at least, depending on the circumstances - but when it comes to Pokémon, I'm all for doing as many things as I can with it, perhaps enough to win prizes and rewards as the "bounty" for a maintained attraction.

One year ago: Losing and Finding Links
Two years ago: Strategy Guides and My Pokémon Experience

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