Thursday, July 4, 2019

Welcome to the Jungle

As I've mentioned in the post for the previous tournament I participated in, with the end of June also came the end for the battle theme of Rainbow. These battle themes for Pokémon Go as instituted by the Silph League Arena change out each month, bringing new challenges each time. For the month of July - that is, this month - the theme is wild, and I mean "wild" as in the "nature" kind of "wild". The theme, as I've hinted in the title, is "Jungle", and it looks to be quite the theme.

For this theme, unlike the previous theme of Rainbow, there are no generational restrictions; any Pokémon from all generations (with a few exceptions, to be detailed shortly) are open for use. For the type restrictions, this month the Pokémon used for battle have to have at least one type of Normal, Grass, Bug, or Electric. This is a bit of a good thing, as some Pokémon that previously could be used for Rainbow could also be used for this theme. Unlike last month, there are also certain species restrictions or bans, for which this month, Tropius, Burmy, Wormadam, and Mothim (the entire Burmy family) are not allowed. I can see why - some of these, particularly the region- and Safari Zone-exclusive Tropius, could become too dominant, as a previous open tournament can attest with an overuse of that species.

Among the four types involved, the crucial ones are Grass and Bug, as the latter is super effective against the former. However, Pokémon with types that include one of the four plus some other type like Flying may become threats as well, which also contributes to why Tropius and Burmy et al. became disallowed. Some surprises might also arise from the inclusion of Normal-type Pokémon into the mix, which may have a myriad of capabilities if not another type that could threaten the other types. Munchlax has been suggested to be quite a contender with the right moves and stats, but so may be some other formidable Normal types of just the right CP. The possibilities are intriguing.

So for this month's themed PvP in Pokémon Go, nature calls. It beckons for four types of Pokémon that may be as surprising in their capabilities as they are diverse. It has been said that the jungle is a hostile place, where one may be brought down by its difficulties. And yet, this "jungle" may be a place of opportunities, which if taken advantage of wisely, may lead one to be able to become its "king". This will surely be part of the drama that unfolds in the wilderness of PvP competitions over this month.

One year ago: Metal Reversed Cap Pikachu Keychain
Two years ago: The Subdued Hometown Themes

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