Thursday, July 18, 2019

The State of Nominations

One of the features that I've somewhat awaited to use in Pokémon Go is the PokéStop nomination feature, and thanks to having maxed out my level and living in a target country for it, I'm able to use the feature. The day after my player level turned to 40, I immediately began to use the feature to start nominating, and after a month of using it, I've gained further understanding of it and even some progress with it, which are good things indeed.

The nomination process allows for some leeway in doing some things and forces some constraints on doing others. To furnish the nomination photos, one has to actually take the picture of the object (the phone camera is invoked upon arriving at those steps), but these may be retaken, especially if they don't appear right in the bounding box. Further, during the part where one details the importance of the nomination with additional information - the final, integral step in the process - the text field has a character limit, so this challenges players to be as brief yet as informative as possible. Beyond that, the process is as described in the other post, which should be straightforward.

Though I've said nominations are limited, one may proceed to nominate quite a few objects over time. One starts with seven nominations, and as nominations are used up and go into the review process, nominations may be returned, allowing one to nominate even more objects. Currently, I have made eight nominations with four more to spare, which means I've had five nominations returned as I made the earlier nominations. Thus, I'm assured of nominating at least 12 objects and possibly even more as my nominations return. Of course, whether my nominations get approved and make it into actual PokéStops depends on the prior planning for that nomination as well as the review process.

As of today, only one of my nominations has been approved ("considered eligible", in official terms), and that happened two days ago. The nomination was not one of the first that I made; it was my fourth, and it was made close to three weeks ago. That means as of today, the earliest nomination is one month old and still hanging. Three weeks are still relatively speedy, though, as by others' experiences, it took at least one month before a response was given. As for seeing the fruits of my labor, I haven't been able to see it since it's in a distant part of my town and I have been rather busy for some time. Others in my raid group have not reported either on what became of this development. I will likely have to make my way back to see this one for myself, but I'm not sure when this might happen.

While the majority of my nominations have not been responded, save for the one accepted one above, I feel pretty good about most of my nominations. They more or less follow the guidelines and they've been made in consideration of already existing PokéStops and Gyms. That should lead to a greater potential for approval, and when that happens, an expanded overworld map in Pokémon Go is to be expected, along with all of the benefits that accompany.

One year ago: The Eevee Identity
Two years ago: Only One Save File

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