Saturday, July 20, 2019

Seeing the World with Go

Nearly a year ago, I wrote a post on freely traveling the world. That still hasn't happened for me personally, of course, but there's a certain desire for it that is there in the very back of my mind. If it ever happens, then I certainly would want to have Pokémon along with me. One of the ways that can be so is by having Pokémon Go on my phone and playing it no matter where I go. It may be considered a good way to help see the world.

In another post, I detailed three other uses of Pokémon Go, of which the first two are related to travel in some way. These two uses may become potential precursors to good travels. One may be able to pinpoint certain locations by way of them having PokéStops and/or Gyms, and then make one's way to these in a manner that may be quick and/or efficient. In doing so, one accomplishes a travel that may be linked to great things, whether Pokémon or otherwise. That has to be considered a neat prospect.

That prospect is what I saw more or less in a little dream that occurred a couple of days ago. Though my recollection of it had become a little vague by the time I finally noted what happened in it, I can still describe quite a bit of it. In the dream, I found myself in a country in East Asia, which was most likely Taiwan (oddly enough, not Japan). As the dream progressed, I was playing the game, and the game was directing me to see more and more things by way of encountering PokéStops and Gyms, until I came to a congregation of people playing the game. Granted, this last bit makes it seem that I wasn't in a "travel" dream, but by way of progressing through the dream, I felt like I've accomplished this in a way.

I still want to go out and see the world. Though I've already settled and actually have done quite a bit of seeing the world throughout my life, I feel that I may be up for doing it again at some point in time. At least with Pokémon Go in hand, I feel that I may have a compelling reason for doing so, even if that is the only reason. Still, seeing the world remains the primary objective, the one where most of the effort is directed. Yet if it can be done with however much aid the game provides, I'm all for it. It could and should be done.

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