Friday, July 19, 2019

The First Johto Saga English Opening Theme

Two days ago, I discussed about the first Japanese opening theme to the Johto saga of the Pokémon anime. I noted then that the scenes of the opening sequence were reused for one of the English opening songs, and that song just happens to be its counterpart, which becomes the subject of this post. Its title is "Pokémon Johto!" (sometimes referred as "It's a Whole New World"), sung by PJ Lequerica. Not only is it a popular song, it's a phenomenal one in its own right, at least in my view.

The messages that this song sends out with the lyrics are of invitation and encouragement. The invitation could be considered rather indirect, as it is accomplished by mentioning what everyone can do. The encouragement is given by what can happen when one acts concretely. The invitation and encouragement are given because of being in a totally new environment (world), though the primary goal remains the same, which is to do one's best so that one may become just that. With those messages and a catchy hook, it's no wonder that this song is phenomenal.

This was really the first and quickest one of the English openings that grew on me. I remember a time when I often listened to the full version of the opening because I liked it that much. And I happen to know another person who likes it perhaps as much as I do: the girl who's a fan of me just as much as a fan of Ash. From the time we met up to today, it's one of the songs we can most recall in our minds, which shows how some Pokémon fans can think alike. The latest major exposure I've had to the song is during the major tournament from last month, where the song was part of a looped playlist along with several other English Pokémon songs. It was certainly a boost to my morale, which probably helped for the two legitimate wins.

That said, the song really is phenomenal. It's energetic, catchy, and positive, just like Pokémon in some ways. The energy and positivity can be seen in those who like the song and can recall it. Though it's quite different from the really pumped-up Japanese counterpart, there is some sense that the two songs do parallel each other given their status and circumstances. That should make it enjoyable enough for any Pokémon fan who "straddle the pond" as I do.

One year ago: Fast Moves and Charged Moves
Two years ago: Movie Times

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