Sunday, July 21, 2019

Cosplay: Japanese World 2019

Ash: Hey, isn't this theme event usually around at the beginning of the year?

Me: Yeah, it usually does. Either there were scheduling issues, or they wanted to try something new. Regardless, I've sent you to it, as you know.

Pikachu: Pika pika! ["I'm in!"]

Ash: All right! So last year you gave me my Sinnoh outfit. Based on what you gave me, will you give me my Hoenn outfit this time?

Me: That's a good guess, and yes. The plan is to regress the costume each time I come. I know there's nothing really different from year to year, but there's always people to meet and competitions to participate in.

Ash: And what about those competitions?

Me: Today I sent you for the character parade. I would have sent you to take part in the singing competition (here called okeru), but would also have sent you yesterday to take part in the preliminaries for that. Since I can't, then you can't.

Ash: We have to try next time!

Me: Maybe, but I'll have to see what I can do. You did get in for the parade, right? I really couldn't set you up beforehand.

Ash: I got in!

Me: That's great. How'd it go?

Ash: Second place!! For us!!

Pikachu: Pika pika chuu!! ["Awesome!"]

Me: OMG!! Wow!! That's a bright spot to this day and perhaps this week overall.

Ash: Yeah! We really did it this time.

Me: This is really, really great. It was well worth the effort. By the way, there's something else I need you to help me out with. I've got to catch a whole bunch of Mudkip and get a few evolved to Swampert.

Ash: Hey, that's Brock's Pokémon! Sure.

Me: You do that, and let me know how it went. I'll write it up in a day or so. As for everything else, what did you find neat?

Ash: The entertainment is what you'd expect, but that's not bad! There's a band who knows you and me really well.

Pikachu: Pika pi! Pika pika! ["Yeah, Ash, they do!"]

Me: Of course. That's not hard to expect, given I've sent you everywhere.

Ash: Everything was really great, though! They planned out things well, so I think many enjoyed it. The new things around the event area also really helped everyone to stay cool in the shade and make things organized.

Me: Well, you know what? That means it has really been the best ever, at least for you and me.

Ash: I agree! Right, Pikachu?

Pikachu: Pika! ["Yeah!"]

Me: So do I. Now, it's been three weeks of busy fun in sending you, and it's about to get even more busy and fun. Get a rest; you'll need it.

One year ago: Pokémon Go Event Rollup, 7/21/2018
Two years ago: My Favorite LINE Pokémon Stickers So Far

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