Monday, July 29, 2019

By Words, By Sound, By Video

There are many ways for people on the Internet to express their views, insights, and thoughts, for Pokémon and just about anything else. The way I do it is through words, which would be on this blog, something that I can do right-here-right-now. It's a fine thing, as do other Pokémon blogs that I cannot mention one by one. But as I have indicated in the title of this post, there are other ways that people can do so, which may involve sounds and videos. They're something that I can and probably should get involved with.

For sound, that would involve something called podcasting. Podcasts are episodic series of audio files; they were conceived around the "golden age" of a particular audio device, which becomes part of the term. I suppose I can stand to create a podcast on Pokémon to complement this blog; all it takes is enough time to record what I want to say as well as to edit it, and of course the things that I want to say in the first place. The tools for creating one may be rudimentary, but should be sufficient for doing so. For a given Pokémon topic, if I can write a lot about it, then I should be able to speak a lot about it as well. This may be a veritable outlet for communicating about Pokémon.

Nowadays, though, what's more popular is making videos and uploading them on YouTube. It's something that I've mentioned time and time again on this blog, in at least one of my performance critiques. But it does seem like this would require more specialized tools and more time to make it work. Regardless, it's on my to-do list, though only somewhere in the middle, given that I already have the videos of my performances that I want to edit, polish, and present for all to see. And then there are other things that I may want to present on video, but that requires even more planning.

While I can't currently stand to create a podcast or a YouTube channel, I can at least participate in other ways... meaning in others'. I've been featured in at least a couple YouTube videos by a certain YouTuber, and just recently, I've participated in a podcast of one of my friends. That is in fact what I (or rather, through Ash) did on Saturday, though I only referred to it indirectly. Interestingly, the podcast also featured that same YouTuber as a guest along with me, so in effect, there were three "social warriors" in one place - a blogger, a podcaster, and a YouTuber, exactly as suggested by the title of this post. For the juicy details, the podcast episode in question may be listened here; it's in Indonesian, though I may provide an overview in English later on. Quite a bit of it does concern Pokémon, after all.

What is wonderful is that on the Internet, there are so many ways to speak out, whether through words, sounds, or videos. A creative soul might take advantage of any one of these; an enterprising soul might try for multiple ones. Yet clearly, any and all of these might be linked to Pokémon, and that should serve all Pokémon fans on the Internet really well. It's the least that I can do through this blog and those other enterprises.

One year ago: First Anniversary of My Raid Group
Two years ago: Under 100 Hours?

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