Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Movie Manga, Part 2 (Really 2)

Earlier this month, I made a splurge on three Pokémon things, which I don't normally make for one reason or another. I've already discussed one of the items (a fantastic art book) and another (an adventurous T-shirt), so now I need to discuss the third. As can be discerned from the title, it's another movie manga, the continuation of one that I bought nearly two years ago. It's the adaptation of the next movie in sequence, which happens to be number 20 with its fascinating story.

The manga adaptation is just as fascinating, as it actually consists of two parts or separate volumes. They roughly correspond to two halves of the movie, broken off just after the midway "crisis" had started. As for the adaptation, those who have watched the movie will recognize everything that happens in it... or almost everything. Notably, the introduction in volume 1 is a little different, also foregoing the events of the night before. The rest is more or less on track with the movie, all the way to the climax and resolution. Those who are interested in the story ought to get both volumes and start reading and looking.

I suppose that the reason why this movie demands a double volume is because it's such an important movie that it needed to be depicted as faithfully as possible, hence the two volumes and the 15 chapters contained in them. The artistry involved with this manga is quite impressive, and I love how the two front covers side-by-side as above form a grand rainbow arc. It seemingly affirms the continuity of the story across both volumes as well as its importance to those who have just gotten into Pokémon or have been with it for a long time.

I knew that if I had gotten only either of the two volumes above, I would not be able to experience the full story in manga form, so my spending on both at once is justified. One volume simply does not do without the other. With that, I have also discussed all the items of this most recent splurge on Pokémon things. They are all unique and deserving for any Pokémon fan, not the least of which is myself. I may not be due for another Pokémon splurge in the near future, but this one has proven its worth so much, including with this dual-volume manga, that I'm not too worried and in fact quite pleased.

One year ago: Pokémon Style Figure Sun & Moon 2 - Mimikyu
Two years ago: Cosplay in a Bag

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