Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Fast Captures in Pokémon Go

In Pokémon Go, to catch a Pokémon, one throws a Poké Ball (perhaps a Berry beforehand) and then waits to see if this is successful, which if so, then leads to the capture summary and Pokémon display. For such a get-up-and-move game, this could take a bit of time (if one does not possess a Pokémon Go Plus device of some sort). However, the game does allow a workaround to speed up the process, and it's appropriately titled "fast capture" or "fast catch". As enticing as this is, it does have some caveats.

In earlier versions of the game, to execute the "fast capture", one needed to hold down the Berry icon used to show the Berry selection menu while throwing a Poké Ball. This would result in the Berry menu remaining open during capture, along with the "Run" icon still being present. The "Run" icon can then be tapped, returning one to the overworld immediately; one may then check the Pokémon Storage to see if the Pokémon had been caught, or another way is to tap the Pokémon if still present, which should result in an error message at the top, though this may indicate the Pokémon fled as well. If not, the process may be repeated. In the most recent update, fast capture has been made somewhat easier: after throwing a ball, one only needs to press the "back" button (for those on Android), and this is functionally equivalent.

Fast capture seems fine, but it still has issues of its own. Though it's "acknowledged" in a way by having been made easier as above, the apparent error messages still tell me, at least, that this is not supported and not how things are supposed to be done, meaning that it's preferred to catch Pokémon by the usual way or automatically by a Go Plus device. If it were fully supported, then I would think there is at least a notification (similar to that created when a Go Plus device is connected and active) that informs that the Pokémon broke free, was caught, or fled. With the way things are, it does seem that fast captures are inherently risky. Further, this doesn't really work and wouldn't be feasible for the post-raid capture challenge.

Still, because the possibility is implemented, I can see how I would and wouldn't use it. I would take to fast captures if there are lots of Pokémon in an area and to capture them all with the usual way would take far too long. After doing so, then I would appraise their stats and throw out or keep them, depending on the occasion. What I wouldn't do is fast-capture a Shiny Pokémon or even very rare ones due to the possible risks; I would just capture those as usual. And if I'm not in a big hurry and want to experience normal Pokémon capture, then it would be fine not to execute fast captures.

There's something to appreciate about fast captures in Pokémon Go. This hidden feature is like having a Go Plus device proxy, but one that is controllable, which I like. Even so, the same caveats for it seem to apply equally well, and there are others about it as well. If it were truly refined and acknowledged, it would be even better. As an alternative and faster method to captures as usual, it really shouldn't be overlooked.

One year ago: Let's Go Trade
Two years ago: Speedblogging Like a Ninjask

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