Sunday, July 14, 2019


Ash: Oh, another theme event or convention for me?

Me: Yes. You know, it was difficult for me to decide on sending you to this one, but after much consideration, I decided.

Pikachu: Pika pika pika? ["What did you consider?"]

Me: What did I consider? Oh, a lot of things. One of them is a friend of yours - and some friends of mine.

Brock: Mind if I tag along?

Ash: Hey! Sure you can come. And what about your friends?

Me: They're from my Pokémon figure group. And we all have different agendas even at the same place, but still related. They want to gather and link up even as others do other things.

Ash: Neat!

Me: OK, so this theme event is another creation of the faraway fan group who also hosted the event where I made you sing for the first time. It's supposed to involve characters, toys, hobbies, and things from the Land of the Rising Sun.

Ash: Oh wow! So does that mean you're going to make me sing again?

Me: Yes, and you're going to repeat what you sang last week. You weren't happy, right? So I'm not happy either. That means it has to be repeated.

Ash: I agree, and you'll be glad to know I sang it perfectly this time!

Brock: But I can't seem to hear you. I think the backing music is too loud!

Ash: Oh no! I guess it's difficult when you're the first one up.

Brock: By the way, you should look at this. This is someone voicing you, Ash!

Ash: Hey! That's the girl fan of me and my friend. She's in the dubbing competition.

Me: And this becomes the opportunity for all of us to be together.

Ash: It's perfect that we're all in. But we can't hear her either.

Me: That kind of sucks, doesn't it?

Brock: Yeah. Are you going to be in the character parade too?

Ash: Of course! That is what my friend wants, whatever happens. But it took so long for it to start, and when it did, I had to run off right away after that, since my friend wants me to do something else. What would that be?

Me: I want you to raid a few Entei! Interesting stuff, right? One of my friends will help you out for that.

Ash: Thanks! You know what? It turned out great. I caught all the Entei that I raided, and I even got a Shiny Entei!

Pikachu: Pika chuu!!! ["Incredible!"]

Me: Awesome! This was actually something that made me consider not to send you, but I'm glad one of my friends could help. Much thanks to him and his raid fellows.

Ash: It's a good prize, even if I couldn't find out how I did in the singing competition and the character parade.

Me: Yeah, sorry about that. When events like these get delayed, so do the announcements. We probably wouldn't have heard them even if they were on time.

Ash: Wait, there's an update. That girl fan didn't won the dubbing competition.

Me: Rats. Maybe next time.

Brock: I had an interesting day today. It's a good day before my friend gets busy with his stuff.

Ash: Yeah! And I think my friend has things to do. Right?

Me: Yes, but then there's always a way to have a bit of a break. And our work is not quite done.

One year ago: Spending on Pokémon
Two years ago: A Pokémon Forum Persona

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