Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Local EX Raid (and Mix-Ups), 7/10/2019

Due to the things that I've got going on and occasionally the schedule of the EX Raids themselves, sometimes it's just hard for me to qualify for one; even my requests to be invited to one often fall on deaf ears. However, when one occurs, I have the pass for it, and I'm free, then all things are go. For the circumstances of this EX Raid, I qualified for it by having raided the Gym as part of the Raikou Raid Day, being the last Gym I raided at the time. Thus, I was able to take care of two things at once that day. That's a great thing.

Another great thing is that this EX Raid is the first chance for me to participate in an EX Raid where the raid boss is Deoxys in its Speed Form. The turnover actually occurred two and a half weeks ago, but I couldn't cover it since I couldn't participate and haven't been participating in EX Raids again after the last one. It should be noted that even though I've never encountered or captured the Speed Form until today, the Pokédex entry for it (and in fact, all forms of Deoxys) had already been opened for everyone. The EX Raids for them could then be construed as only for prosperity, but for anyone seeking Deoxys with interesting stats, they remain open for that purpose.

As for today, the tag is "mix-ups", because a flurry of things happened. Before it happened, I almost missed a chance to do something that became an extra agenda while I was there. The Gym also changed teams while I wasn't looking at it and was certain it would stay as one team, being mine; this led to a flurry of attacks, though it couldn't take down the Gym. Since there were no coordinated battle flights, it was decided that the majority team ought to form a private group while the rest went into the public group; I was part of the latter. In the end, it seemed that much didn't matter, as a couple of well-executed throws led to a successful capture and my first Deoxys with the Speed Form.

That said, I'm certain that I will come back for a few more Deoxys in this Form, as the one I got was not too interesting in regard to statistics. Even if Deoxys itself is somewhat fragile and cannot be traded, a few of each Form is always in order. There was surely something to be gained from all the mix-ups during the EX Raid today, and this was it. I don't expect to mix up my affairs or for things to get mixed up the next time one occurs, but it may just lead to OK things as they did today.

One year ago: The Currencies of Magikarp Jump
Two years ago: My Trusty NDS and Pokémon Games

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